Page 259 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 259

It was in the form of a serpent that Satan appeared to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The serpent’s first
               recorded communication with mankind was characterized by lying and deception.

               Genesis 3:13
               The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

               The forked tongue of the snake has consequently taken on an association with duplicity, double
               dealing, and dishonesty. The red vector in the NASA logo looks suspiciously like the forked tongue
               of a serpent. NASA claims that the red vector is representative of an airplane wing. (They had to
               come up with some explanation, no matter how implausible.) As observed in the occult elements of
               the Great Seal of the United States, Satan has frequently inspired men to imbue their symbols with
               elements which are secretly references to his own person and schemes.

               The Great Seal

               This conclusion that the red vector is actually a serpent’s tongue is further supported by the NASA
               logotype which was used between 1975 and 1992. This logotype was referred to as “the worm.”

               The “serpentine” form of the logo led to the adoption of its nickname. Why is this information
               relevant? There is much we can learn as we understand the connection between the anti-Christ spirit
               manifested  by  Satan  and  NASA  and  its  correlation  to  the  serpent.  Yahweh  has  frequently
               communicated truth through types and symbols. The characterization of Satan as a serpent is one
               from which we can gain much insight. In the third chapter of the book of Genesis we first meet the

               Genesis 3:1
               Now the serpent was more subtle than any living creature of the field which Yahweh God had made.

               Some Bible translations use words such as “cunning,” or “crafty” in place of the word subtle. The
               Hebrew word found in the original manuscripts is “aruwm.” This Hebrew word is used in both
               positive and negative applications. It is at times translated as “prudent” or “wise.”

               Proverbs 12:23
               A prudent man concealeth knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness.
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