Page 265 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 265

How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Go?

               Alice Peering Down the Rabbit Hole

               When an individual realizes that NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings, a common question which
               arises in their mind is “What else has NASA lied about?” Is the International Space Station real, or
               are  we  being  duped  with  images  of  astronauts  floating  in  space  while  conducting  science
               experiments 200 miles above the Earth? Has NASA actually sent rovers to Mars, and are the pictures
               published of the Martian surface real, or are they another fabrication?

               NASA does have some real accomplishments. They do send rockets into low Earth orbit and beyond.
               Satellites are real. We do benefit from space based technology such as GPS location services,
               satellite television and radio, and the many observations of weather satellites. These things are
               credible. Other claims by NASA are less believable. For reasons already noted in this writing, I do
               not believe man has, or ever will, venture beyond low Earth orbit. I do not believe manned space
               flights will traverse the Van Allen Radiation Belts, taking men to the Moon, Mars, or to other
               heavenly bodies beyond the domain of Earth. Man was formed of the dust of the Earth, and the Earth
               is his divinely appointed realm of existence.

               I believe it is within the realm of possibility for NASA to send unmanned probes and equipment
               beyond the VARB, yet I am at the same time skeptical of their claims of making soft landings of
               rovers on distant planets such as Mars; operating rovers remotely over the distance of millions of
               miles as they test soil composition and atmosphere and send back photos from the Martian surface.

               There are arguments  and  evidence which have been presented which provide cause for doubt
               regarding NASA’s claims pertaining to the Mars rovers. The problem for NASA is that once a
               person or agency has been proven to have practiced lying and deception, a loss of confidence in their
               trustworthiness results. As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on
               me.” People tend to not trust those who have previously lied to them.

               There is no reason to believe that NASA, the American government, or the global media, have
               repented from their former lying ways and are now committed to honesty and integrity. Quite the
               contrary. The evidence is overwhelming that they continue to lie and deceive routinely.
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