Page 261 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 261

Satan could use guns and bullets to subjugate mankind. He has often done so. Yet more often he uses
               deception. An enslaved people who imagine themselves to be free are happier, more productive, and
               easier to control. Consequently, Satan has sold humanity a false vision of this world. This vision
               glorifies material consumption.  People are plied  from birth  with  the message that  money and
               possessions will result in happy and fulfilled lives. An insatiable lust for more possessions, more
               entertainments, more pleasures is fanned so that men and women will voluntarily surrender their
               time, their will, their freedom, their energy, their thought, and all they possess to striving in a global
               system of commerce and corporate dominion.

               The result is that women have abandoned the home and child rearing in order to toil with men in the
               corporate workspace. Children are put in daycare, and then public and private school systems whose
               chief goal is to prepare them to be acquiescent, mindless drones in the global corporatocracy.
               Through an endless litany of corporate advertising and media indoctrination people are taught to
               “consume, consume, consume.” Thus they become both client and slave of the corporate system.
               Like insensate automatons we are molded from birth to take the role of a serf, a wage slave in this
               Luciferian world system.

               What this book seeks to illumine is the role deception plays in a world under the dominion of Satan.
               Pick any of the Ten Commandments and you will find that they are violated as a matter of course
               by the governments and rulers of this world. The Ten Commandments say, “Thou shalt not kill.” Yet
               America, whom some erroneously contend to be a Christian nation, has been involved continuously
               in wars and global conflicts for the past one hundred years. She is the world leader in the production
               and sale of weaponry designed to kill and maim mankind. She uses missiles fired from drones to
               murder people without trial or charge. She invades sovereign nations, deposing legally appointed
               rulers, slaughtering millions of citizens in an effort to subjugate foreign peoples to her will, taking
               control of their natural resources.

               This same government promotes and defends the right of all women to murder their babies while in
               the womb. Since 1973 more than fifty million American children have been slaughtered in this way.
               The  commandment  “Thou  shalt  not  kill”  is  not  just  occasionally  violated  by  the  American
               government. It is egregiously, prolifically, continuously violated. Do you suppose the commandment
               which says “Thou shalt not lie” is violated to any lesser degree? I tell you, it is not. Lies are the
               currency in which politics are conducted. Lies and deceit are poured forth daily as a mighty flood.
               They sweep people away into a sea of illusion with the result that the masses are made willing
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