Page 73 - Living Epistles
P. 73

Many Western believers have Bibles throughout their homes, but they will
               easily go a hundred days without ever picking one up and reading it. There is
               no hunger to read the divine message Yahweh has sent to His people. The
               Scriptures are treated as something common, and the attention shown to them
               reveals that the words of God are not treasured as they ought to be. The people
               of God are sated as they gorge themselves on things that appeal to the soul and
               the flesh. They spend their time before the television, listening to music,
               reading  novels,  and  all  manner  of  other  foods  that  do  not  help  them
               spiritually. All the while they lack a true hunger for the Word of God.

               The attitude  manifested by Brother Yun at this tender age should be the
               normal response of all who come to Christ and then discover that God has
               caused a book of tremendous spiritual wisdom and revelation to be written for
               the instruction of His people. It should be normal to find Christians of all ages
               pouring over the Scriptures to glean some insight into the Kingdom of God.

               Brother Yun would later marry a Chinese woman who also came to Christ in
               her teen years. Deling relates how she would walk long distances, often in the
               dark and through dangerous areas, alone as a teenage girl in order to attend
               meetings of believers. Her hunger for fellowship and spiritual teaching was
               similar in this aspect to that of the man who would one day be her husband.
               She relates the following experience in her own words.

               At the age of 18 I committed my life to Jesus Christ.

               The  very  first  night  as  a  believer  I  was  taken  to  my  first  house  church
               meeting. The Public Security Bureau came and we all had to escape on foot
               through the darkness. This was my very first introduction to what it would
               be like following the Lord!...

               Two other young women came to the Lord at the same time as me. We
               attended meetings together. These were in different parts of the district so we
               often had to walk more than an hour to get there. After the meetings I often
               had to walk home by myself. This was quite dangerous because it was so
               dark and there were evil men and wild dogs out late at night.

               God worked a great miracle to protect and help me in those early days.
               Many nights as I walked home I could see a light about ten meters ahead of
               me on the path, as if someone was carrying a lamp, showing me the way I
               needed to take. In the pitch dark I often lost my way, but then I’d see the
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