Page 71 - Living Epistles
P. 71

because of his constant fasting and prayers. They thought he might be losing
               his mind.

               After 100 days of fasting and prayer, Brother Yun had a vision. He describes
               it this way.

               In the vision I was walking up a steep hill, trying to push a heavy cart in
               front of me. I was heading toward a village where I intended to beg for food
               for my family. I was struggling greatly, because in my vision I was hungry
               and weakened by constant fasting. The old cart was about to roll back and
               fall on me.

               I then saw three men walking down the hill in the opposite direction. A kind
               old man, who had a very long beard, was pulling a large cart full of fresh
               bread. Two other men were walking on each side of the cart. When the old
               man saw me he felt great pity and showed me compassion. He asked, “Are
               you hungry?” I replied, “Yes, I have nothing to eat. I’m on my way to get food
               for my family.”

               I  wept  because  my  family  was  extremely  poor.  Because  of  my  father’s
               sickness we’d sold everything valuable to buy medicine. We had little to eat,
               and for years we had been forced to beg for food from friends and neighbors.
               When the old man asked me if I was hungry, I couldn’t help but cry. I’d never
               felt such genuine love and compassion from anyone before.

               In the vision the old man took a red bag of bread from his trolley and asked
               his two servants to give it to me. He said, “You must eat it immediately.”

               I opened the wrapping and saw there was a bun of fresh bread inside. When
               I put the bun in my mouth, it instantly turned into a Bible! Immediately, in
               my  vision,  I  knelt  down  with  my  Bible  and  cried  out  to  the  Lord  in
               thanksgiving, “Lord, your name is worthy to be praised! You didn’t despise
               my prayer. You allowed me to receive this Bible. I want to serve you the rest
               of my life.”

               I woke up and started searching the house for the Bible. The rest of my family
               was asleep. The vision had been so real to me that when I realized it had only
               been a dream I was deeply anguished and I wept loudly. My parents rushed
               to  my  room  to  see  what  had  happened.  They  thought  I  had  gone  crazy
               because of all my fasting and praying. I told them about my vision, but the
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