Page 75 - Living Epistles
P. 75

Scripture  again.  I  believe  the  Spirit  is  testifying  that  the  same  types  of
               experiences that Brother Yun and the Chinese Christians experienced are
               coming to America.

               Brother  Yun,  while  still  a  young  man,  was  led  of  the  Lord  to  travel  to  a
               province to the West of where he lived. Before leaving to go to this province
               the local believers had a time of worship and prayer as they prepared to send
               them forth. Brother Yun shares the following:

               Before we left for Shaanxi that evening we asked God to prepare the hearts
               of the people to receive His word. While praying, I suddenly saw a terrible
               vision that shook my soul. The others told me I startled them when I shouted
               out, “Hallelujah, Jesus’ blood has overcome you!”

               Everyone stopped praying and asked me what the matter was. With sweat
               on  my  brow  I  told  them,  “I  saw  a  terrible  evil  vision.  A  black,  heinous
               creature came after me. It had a horrible twisted face. It pressed me down
               on the ground and sat on my stomach so I couldn’t get up. With one of its
               hands it grabbed my throat and started choking me. With its other hand it
               grabbed some steel pliers and tried to shut my mouth with them. I could
               hardly breathe. Then I saw a great strong angel fly towards me. With all my
               strength I poked my fingers into the eyes of the evil creature. It fell to the
               ground,  and  I  was  carried  away  to  safety  by  the  angel.  I  shouted,
               “Hallelujah! Jesus’ blood has overcome you!”

               After telling what I’d seen, we prayed and shared the Lord’s Supper together.
               We committed ourselves to the care of the Lord...

               Brother  Yun  then  tells  how  he  and  two  sisters  in  Christ  traveled  to  this
               Western province to share the word of the Lord with the churches there.
               Brother Yun was empowered to speak the first day about the history of the
               cross  throughout  church  history.  On  the  second  day,  about  one  in  the
               afternoon, he lost his voice. He then asked one of the sisters to speak while he
               went to a room to rest. He continues:

               When I lay down I meditated on the message I had shared that morning.

               Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. Several PSB officers kicked down the door to
               my room. They grabbed me and held me down on the bed. One officer lay on
               me, pinning me down with his weight. With one hand he held me by the
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