Page 77 - Living Epistles
P. 77

When  the onlookers  heard my voice they cried  even  more loudly. I was
               paraded through the streets for half a day. When night fell they took me into
               a big courtyard inside the police station.

               They didn’t loosen my ropes, but they did take the wooden cross off my back.
               They locked me inside a large interrogation room. I noticed the door was
               made of iron and the windows had iron bars on them.

               Some evil-faced officers came in. They questioned me with great gravity in
               their voices...

               I felt that God wanted me to pretend I was crazy, like David had done in the
               Bible. I lay down on the ground and acted insane. I rolled my eyes back in
               their sockets and spat like a madman. I didn’t say a word. The PSB were
               frightened and were convinced I was crazy.

               Many spectators had crowded outside the window and looked in.

               One officer went to another room and made a telephone call to Henan, to try
               and find out who I was from the authorities there. The other interrogators
               went with him to hear what was said. They left me alone in the room and
               shut the door. I was still tightly bound by rope so they saw there was no
               chance  I  could  escape.  The  onlookers  also  gave  their  attention  to  the
               telephone call, and crowded outside the window of that room to listen.

               At that moment, with everyone’s eyes off me, the Holy Spirit spoke to my
               heart, “The God of Peter is your God.” I remembered how the angels had
               opened the prison gates for Peter to escape. “Are not all angels ministering
               spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 11:4.

               The rope that bound my back suddenly snapped by itself! I didn’t tear the
               ropes off, but kept them loosely in place. I decided to try to escape, and if
               caught I would claim I was trying to go to the toilet. With my arms still
               positioned behind my back, I used my mouth to turn the door handle and I
               walked out of the room!

               At that moment God gave me faith and courage. I reminded myself that the
               blood  of  Jesus  Christ  protected  me.  I  walked  through  the  middle  of  the
               onlookers in the courtyard. Nobody stopped me or said anything to me! It
               was as though God had blinded their eyes and they didn’t recognize who I
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