Page 78 - Living Epistles
P. 78


               I walked through the courtyard to the toilet block in the northern part of the
               compound, about 30 feet away from the interrogation room. As quickly as
               I could, I pulled off the rope from around my body. My hands, arms and
               shoulders were still numb from being bound by rope for so long.

               Because the front gates had been locked, the only way out of the compound
               was over an eight-foot-high cement wall. The wall had sharp glass embedded
               in the top. I stood there for a moment, stared at the wall and prayed, asking
               the Lord to heal my hands and my body.

               I decided to try to leap over the wall. I saw no other choice. I was trapped
               and at any moment the officers would come and grab me. What happened
               next is impossible from a human perspective, yet God is my witness that
               what I am about to tell is the truth.

               First, I pulled myself up onto the wall as high as I could manage. I looked
               over the top and saw the other side was a ten-feet-wide open septic tank.

               As I hung grimly on the side of the wall, all of a sudden I felt as if somebody
               hoisted me up and threw me over! I jumped so far that I even cleared the
               septic tank! A Scripture came to mind, “With your help I can advance against
               a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” II Samuel 22:30.

               The God of Peter wonderfully helped me leap over the wall and escape. I
               believe the angel I had seen in my vision helped to lift me up.

               Brother Yun then ran for hours until he arrived back at the place where he had
               been arrested earlier that day. The believers were still meeting, and they were
               in prayer for him. He wrote:

               When they saw me they could scarcely believe their eyes! They were amazed
               that the Lord had rescued me from the hands of evil men. They changed my
               wet clothes, bathed my scars, and lovingly wiped the blood from my face and

               I encouraged the Shaanxi believers. I prayed for them and placed them in the
               merciful hands of God. I taught them, “We must go through many hardships
               to enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22.
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