Page 74 - Living Epistles
P. 74

light, like a small star, showing me the way to get back on the right path. The
               light wasn’t constant; it just appeared whenever I was heading in the wrong

               Because of many experiences like this, my faith grew quickly.

               Even as Communist China has their Public Security Bureau, America now has
               their  Department  of  Homeland  Security  agency.  The  names  of  these
               government groups sound benevolent, but they are not. Detention camps were
               one of the first things to be established by the 111  Congress. These Federal
               Emergency Management Agency camps, which fall under the auspices of the
               Department of Homeland Security, will one day soon be revealed to be used
               to inter all those who are viewed as enemies of the state.

               It did not take long for the Chinese government to declare that Christians were
               enemies of the state once the Communists came to power and the Public
               Security Bureau was formed. Likewise, it will not be long before Christians in
               Western  nations are declared to be enemies of the state for  resisting  the
               policies and beliefs of an increasingly authoritarian and anti-Christ regime.
               The Scriptures foretell of a day at the end of this age when men and women
               will not even be able to buy or sell without embracing the Beast system.

               I am persuaded that it will not be long before those who are true disciples of
               Christ will need to rely upon God to  guide and  protect them even as the
               Chinese believers have done for many years. They will find that those agencies
               that bear names promising Security and Protection will actually prove to be
               the ones which seek to take from Christians these very things.

               There are many remarkable manifestations of the power of God, and of the
               cost of following Christ, in the book The Heavenly Man. I want to share one
               more experience of Brother Yun, as I believe it has great application for those
               believers in America and Western nations in approaching days.

               Many who read this blog are aware that the Lord directed me this past Spring
               to spend a couple months traveling across America, meeting with small groups
               of believers. Before leaving, the Spirit of Christ had used a sister in the Lord
               to prophesy that I would be sent out with the message of Acts 14:22, “Through
               many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”

               Today, as I was reading this book on the life of Brother Yun, I encountered this
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