Page 99 - Dragon Flood
P. 99

was exemplified by the founding father’s of America? This is a question that seems to be
               completely avoided by men and women who describe the United States as a Christian
               nation. What plan did Satan inspire Freemasons to embrace as they met in the Green
               Dragon Tavern? Was it not a mirror of his own rebellion? Did not these men determine that
               they would not be ruled over by another, but would cast off the authority of a king and
               establish their own government? Let us judge with righteous judgment. It was not the Spirit
               of Christ that inspired men to rebel against the king. It was the proud spirit of Lucifer.
               Under the banner of their spiritual leader these men went forth.

               Satan’s motto is “Do what thou wilt.” This expression which is embraced by Satanists,
               witches, and other occultists today, which was the motto of the Hellfire Club of which
               Benjamin Franklin was a member, has found expression in the seminal documents of
               America. Over and over it has been declared that America is a righteous nation, even a
               Christian nation. Her form of government is deemed to be divinely blessed.

               In the previous chapter titled As Above, So Below, the mirroring of things in the heavens
               upon the earth was in view. The Bible reveals that Satan is a rebel. He revolted against the
               rule of Yahweh as King of all creation. He has sought to induce men to follow his example
               as they engage in revolts and usurpations.

               When Satan five times stated “I will,” he was declaring his independence from the rule of
               Yahweh. He sought to set his own throne beside the throne of the Almighty. He did not
               want to be ruled, but to be his own ruler. Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of
               Independence, echoing Satan’s own revolt against the King of heaven. Jefferson described
               the King of England as a tyrant, and Satan also seeks to disparage Yahweh in order to justify
               his rebellion.

               There is no correspondence between America’s form of government and the government
               of God. Yahweh’s dominion is a kingdom. The form of government adopted by America’s
               founding  father’s  is  that  of  Lucifer.  He  has  enticed  men  with  the  promise  of  ruling
               themselves, creating their own government, writing their own laws, and appointing and
               removing their rulers at will. Even as the Liberty bell sounded a discordant note when
               struck, so too does America’s form of government find great harmonic dissonance with the
               Kingdom of God.

               Satan has sought to disguise the rebellious nature of this form of government. He uses
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