Page 96 - Dragon Flood
P. 96

As Americans, we have been indoctrinated from our youth on up to believe there is some
               intrinsic virtue to a democratic republic where the people choose their leaders, and form
               their own laws. Stop for just a moment and consider how antithetical such a concept is to
               the Kingdom of God. How does this natural realm of government correlate to the spiritual

               The Bible describes the domain of Yahweh’s rule as a Kingdom. Christ came preaching that
               the KINGDOM of God was at hand. We understand that in the Kingdom of God there is a
               central figure who is ruler over all things. This is Yahweh, the Creator, and the sustainer of
               all life. Would any Christian dare think that it is an evil thing for Yahweh to rule over His
               creation? Would any be justified to suggest that mankind would be better off to choose its
               own spiritual Head and Sovereign, or to form her own laws? Does any saint dare infer that
               the world would be better off with men being the source of governmental authority in the
               Kingdom of God, in place of Yahweh?

               There is one being, however, who has in his pride and conceit rebelled against the King of
               heaven and sought to establish his own rule. This one is Satan. What form of government
               do you suppose Satan would set forth as superior to subjecting oneself to the rule of the
               King of Heaven? It is self-rule! The motto of Satan’s kingdom is the same as we previously
               found to be adopted by the Hellfire Club. It is “Do what thou wilt!”

               Do What Thou Wilt

               Satan is a rebel. He was not content to do the will of Yahweh, choosing rather to do his own
               will. The self-willed nature of Satan is revealed in the famous passage from Isaiah that
               recounts the fall of this heavenly being.

               Isaiah 14:12-14
               How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been
               cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations! But you said in your heart,
               ‘I will ascend to heaven;
               I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and
               I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north.
               I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
               I will make myself like the Most High.’
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