Page 100 - Dragon Flood
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words like “Freedom” and “Liberty” to put a positive spin on things. Recently the XXX
Olympiad was held in London, the Satanic city that is dominated by images of dragons. The
opening and closing ceremonies were showpieces of occult and Satanic rule. During the
closing ceremony the word “FREEDOM” was displayed in large letters.
I ask you, “What does Satan have to do with freedom?” It was his own personal freedom and
liberty that he sought when he rebelled against Yahweh. When Satan says “Freedom” he
means “Rebellion.” When he says “Liberty” he means “Self-rule.” He has persuaded
mankind that it is their right to do as they please, unfettered by any moral restraint from
God or man. We are seeing the diabolical result of his campaign in the mature fruit of
America as a nation. We can observe where unfettered liberty and freedom have led.
America is a nation that has slaughtered more than 50 million unborn children in a
hedonistic pursuit of sexual liberation, and unbridled lust. It has “pleased” millions of men
and women to fornicate, and to commit adultery, without the consequence of child rearing.
America is a nation that champions homosexuality in the name of personal freedom. She
exports pornography, violence, rebellion, the drug culture, profane and obscene music,
movies, and television programs throughout the world. America has truly lived by the motto
“Do what thou wilt” and she is morally, spiritually, and financially bankrupt.
People of God, understand that there have been no more dangerous words sold to mankind
as their inalienable rights than “Freedom” and “Liberty.” Christ said:
John 6:38
“For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent
Christ is the pattern for those who would be His disciples. Why then has the church
embraced the government and behavior of Satan as their pattern? Are they not deceived?
Christ is set forth as the pattern for righteousness. He did not live to please self. He had no
overriding principle of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. On the contrary, Yahshua
laid down His life. He surrendered His liberty as was proven at the cross when He said “Not
My will, but Thy will be done.” He did not live for the pursuit of His own happiness. The
apostle Paul testified: