Page 94 - Dragon Flood
P. 94

caused the crack to be greatly extended, and that "the old Independence hangs
               in the great city steeple irreparably cracked and forever dumb."

               The remarkable history of this bell, serving as it does as a great symbol of American liberty,
               and replete with highly unusual events, causes me to suspect a divine hand in sending forth
               a message as God is wont to do. The founders of America set forth to create a government
               where “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were guaranteed (albeit, not to all). The
               framer’s of the Constitution understood that man was easily corrupted, and they sought to
               form a government that would resist this tendency toward corruption...

               Like The Liberty Bell, the American form of government was flawed from the start. It was
               assumed that wise men, by discerning “the laws of nature and of nature’s God,” could codify
               these laws into such a form that an utopian society could be created. Men could then live
               life, enjoy liberty, and pursue happiness without the interference of tyrannical leaders or
               the imposition of unjust laws. What the founding father’s did not perceive was the depths
               to which mankind is corrupt. These were not Christian men who professed themselves as
               disciples  of  the  Son  of  God.  These  men  were  Deists,  Unitarians,  and  many  were
               Freemasons.  Their  beliefs  were  largely  drawn  from  the  teachings  of  those  men  they
               considered sages from the Enlightenment...

               I believe it was Yahweh that cracked The Liberty Bell from the very first time it was struck.
               He was testifying that the sound produced by men being given liberty to follow the passions
               of their souls would produce only a discordant sound in His ears. Even after the bell was
               repaired, it sounded with such a jarring and unpleasant sound that it was compared to two
               coal scuttles being banged together.

               Coal Scuttle
               (A bucket for carrying coal.)

               Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature in 1970, commented
               on what he observed in the nation of America.

               "Destructive  and  irresponsible  freedom  has  been  granted  boundless  space.  Society
               appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as, for example,
               misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people..."
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