Page 95 - Dragon Flood
P. 95

The Liberty Bell is a symbol of America. The sound of her abominations has arisen to the
               heavens. She is under judgment. Seeing that there is no repentance, no repudiation of the
               immorality she has chosen, nor sorrow over her transgressions, the judgments of God will
               fall with even greater severity.

               If Sodom had a bell, would not America’s Liberty Bell be a fitting symbol for that wicked
               city? Did not the leading men of Philadelphia those years ago invite God’s judgment when
               they inscribed their bell with words from His holy scriptures as if Yahweh were Himself
               putting His blessing upon the works of their hands?...

               Who cracked The Liberty Bell? Yahweh did. He was sending forth a message that men
               granted free reign to choose the course their souls dictated would end up in absolute
               spiritual poverty and in the depths of moral depravity. Such is the social fabric of America
               today. It is a filthy garment, detestable to the heavens.

               As America’s leaders stand and deliver speeches about celebrating homosexuality, does not
               the sound of man’s liberty reach the heavens with great dissonance? America has let man’s
               freedom ring. The sound has been discordant. Soon the liberty and freedom of America will
               be a thing of distant memory.
               [End Excerpt]

               This present series is offered with the intent to open the eyes of the saints of God to the
               great extent to which they have been propagandized. Certain words have been imbued by
               Satan with false meaning. They are held forth as emblems of righteousness, and heralded
               as marks of great virtue. Two of the most corrupted words in the English language today,
               especially in their association with the people of America, are the words “Freedom” and

               Day after day Americans are inundated with media stories that proclaim the virtues of
               democracy being spread throughout the world. We are told that dictators are being cast
               down and democracy is being put in place. This is reported as if it is great progress. America
               is characterized as a benevolent champion of human rights and personal freedom. We are
               told that oppressed people are being liberated. In Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and nation after
               nation, we see national leaders being swept aside and democratic governments set in place.
               (More will be shared on the falseness of what is reported later.)

               Where  did this  notion  arise  that  nations  ruled  by  a  strong  central  ruler  are  evil,  and
               democratic government “of the people, by the people, for the people” are righteous and
               honorable? As one reads the Bible they will find that there were no democratic nations.
               Israel was a theocracy until the people demanded a king. For many centuries following it
               was a Monarchy. There were both good kings, and evil kings, but Yahweh never suggested
               that the Monarchy itself was evil, and the people would be better served with a democratic
               form of government.

               I Peter 2:17
               Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.
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