Page 65 - Dragon Flood
P. 65

It has previously been mentioned that the rites of Freemasonry are performed as ritual
               magic. We have seen that the incantation spoken at Masonic cornerstone laying ceremonies
               includes the repetition of the phrase “So Mote it Be.” These same words are spoken by
               witches and Satanists.

               Every government building in Washington D.C. was begun with a Masonic cornerstone
               laying ceremony. The corn, oil and wine was poured out as an offering to Satan in his guise
               as Baal (meaning “lord”). Many government buildings are marked with commemorative
               markers such as the following.

               If you read  the inscribed words with intelligence, you will  perceive that “the spirit of
               Freemasonry” is none other than Lucifer. It is only because Satan has poured forth a flood
               of lies and deceit that any could read the above statement and assume that “the spirit”
               spoken of refers to anything, or anyone, other than Satan.

               Returning to the five pointed star used by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of Sirius, we
               can learn some things about what this emblem meant to the Masonic founders of America.
               The Freemasons in their writings and symbols harken back to the mysteries of Egypt
               perhaps more than any other ancient people. To the Egyptians Sirius was an ill omen. The
               “Dog-Star” rose over the horizon and into visibility toward the end of July as “the dog days
               of Summer” were beginning. These were days of scorching heat.

               Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. It is nearly twice as bright as Canopus, the second
               brightest star. Sirius is fitting as a symbol of Lucifer, who is the chief leader of those angels
               who rebelled against Yahweh, whom the Bible refers to as stars.

               Isaiah 14:12-14
               How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have
               been cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations! But you said in your heart,
               'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God (the holy
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