Page 69 - Dragon Flood
P. 69

The Synagogue of Satan

               Revelation 2:9
               “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those
               who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

               Masonic Lodge Initiation, 1780

               The reader of this series would arrive at a wrong conclusion if in reading these pages he/she
               believed  that  the  great  number  of  men  involved  in  the  American  Revolution  and  the
               founding of America’s form of government were knowingly serving Satan. To arrive at
               such a conclusion is to miss the main point of these writings which is that the world is being
               flooded with deception whose source is Satan.

               I have little doubt that the majority of men, even that considerable number who were
               Freemasons, were ignorant of the diabolical foundations of the lodge and of the nation they
               were  engaged  in  establishing.  Satan  accomplishes  most  of  his  work  among  mankind
               through deception. Many of his most effectual servants are deceived. Indeed, Yahshua said
               that the day would come when men would kill the disciples of Christ and think they were
               doing God a favor.

               John 16:2
               “They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who
               kills you to think that he is offering service to God.”

               This is the great cunning of Satan. He is able to persuade men that down is up, that dark is
               light, and that wrong is right. There have been multitudes of men who have been members
               of Masonic lodges who were convinced that, if Freemasonry was not actually a Christian
               organization, it was at least not antagonistic to Christianity in any way. After all, there is a
               Bible open in every lodge, and there are many references to Bible passages interspersed in
               the rites and teachings of the lodge.

               Satan has no aversion to citing Scriptures. He knows them well. When he tempted the Son
               of God in the wilderness, he did so by quoting Scriptures to Him while always seeking to
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