Page 70 - Dragon Flood
P. 70

lead Yahshua away from the will of God. What Satan failed to do with Christ, he has
               achieved in the lives of many who are less wise, and who are not as committed to obedience
               to Yahweh.

               What I have been seeking to communicate through this series is that Satan is occupied with
               forming false realities in men’s minds. He would persuade men that they are laboring to
               build a new Jerusalem  when they are in fact constructing Babylon. This was recently
               observed in London during the 2012 Olympics. The logo for the XXX Olympiad subtly
               spelled out the name Zion with the name London superimposed upon it.

               Olympics Logo

               Symbols Rearranged

               The inner city of London has images of dragons throughout, yet in its center is a Temple
               and Temple district. Only the naive would conclude that this temple is Christian. It is
               traceable back to the Knight’s Templar, the precursors of Freemasonry.

               In a previous post I shared images from a Masonic Bible wherein it was stated with great
               authority  that  accurate  images  of  the  Temple  of  Solomon  and  Jerusalem  were  being
               portrayed in its pages. The images were actually Babylonian, including a Ziggurat similar
               to the Tower of Babel, and images of a winged bull that historically relate back to Nimrod
               and other Babylonian rulers.

               What is revealed in these deceits is that Satan has no shame. It is his nature to lie and
               deceive. He has enlisted myriads of men and women in his rebellion against Yahweh, and
               they too practice lying and deception with great brazenness. This does not discount the fact
               that those telling falsehoods are themselves deceived about a great many things. Satan’s
               kingdom is so filled with darkness, where every truth is perverted, that his own servants can
               never be assured that their eyes are seeing things aright.

               In this series I have been exposing the methodology by which Satan operates by focusing
               upon the false history foisted upon the undiscerning regarding the founding of America as
               a nation. I have been seeking to expose the fact that Christians are as deceived by Satan’s
               lies as all other men and women. Certainly the things I have been sharing about the true
               founding of America as a nation are not commonly known or embraced by the disciples of
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