Page 60 - Dragon Flood
P. 60

which Mason Napoleon Bonaparte had emblazoned on his apron.
               [End Quote]

               Sirius  appears even  in  present  day  in  corporate  logos.  Following  is  perhaps  the  most
               obvious of them all.

               Sirius Satellite Radio Logo

               The inclusion of the image of a dog with a five pointed star for its eye reveals the well
               recognized connection between the name Sirius, the heavenly body known as the Dog Star,
               and the five pointed star. What then did Sirius represent to the Egyptians? The Egyptians
               were tremendously engaged in the study of the heavens, and this was their most sacred star.

               In seeking to understand the symbols associated with America’s Masonic founding, one
               must keep in mind the deception that is practiced among them. Those members of the lower
               degrees are intentionally given false meanings of their symbols, and even those at the higher
               levels are often deceived and practice deception. Lucifer is the god of the Lodge, and he is
               the great deceiver. Thus, there are those among Freemasonry who may recognize Sirius as
               an Egyptian symbol related to pagan deities, yet they do not perceive precisely which deity
               it relates to, or the evil character of that being.

               This same failing is found among occult practitioners today. There are a great many men
               and women involved in Wicca, which is a modern form of witchcraft. Such ones are taught
               to believe in good magic as well as bad magic; white magic as well as black. Many see
               Lucifer as a kind and benevolent being, while seeing his alter ego Satan as evil.

               One can discern which characteristic of the devil an occultist ascribes to, whether they are
               a practitioner of Wicca, or a Satan worshiper, by the five pointed star they use as a symbol
               of their religious belief. The Wiccans have adopted a pentacle where the point is up, whereas
               Satan worshipers use one where the point is down.

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