Page 61 - Dragon Flood
P. 61

The images above reveal the distinctions in the star’s alignment adopted by those who
               practice what they  believe  is a benevolent form of witchcraft (Wicca), and those who
               embrace all the darkness and evil of Satan. In both instances the practitioners are looking
               to harness spiritual power that derives from Lucifer/Satan. Wiccans speak much about
               light,  communicating  with  light  beings,  and  advancing  toward  the  light  (even  as
               Freemasons do). The Bible declares that Lucifer masquerades as a messenger of light.
               Satanists, on the other hand, openly embrace the darkness and evil of Satan.

               Looking back at the blazing star image on the floor of the Masonic lodge you see both the
               upward and downward five pointed stars together. Whether one believes they are serving,
               worshiping, or receiving occult knowledge from Lucifer or from Satan, there is no dividing
               his nature.

               John 8:44
               "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a
               murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in
               him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father
               of lies.”

               Look again at the stars in the poster images above. Notice that they are both inscribed
               within the bounds of a circle. This is part of the magical geometry of both Wicca and

               Witchcraft Book Cover

               Book of Shadows
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