Page 62 - Dragon Flood
P. 62

The  Book  of  Shadows  is  a  compendium  of  spells,  enchantments,  and  rituals  that  are
               practiced among Wiccan adherents. The upward pointing star of five points is ubiquitous
               in this association with witchcraft and occult rituals. The pentagram is sacred to witches
               and Satanists, and is used in their magic rites.

               Illustration in a Journal of Magick

               I would suggest to you that the popular story of the design of the first flag of the new
               Masonic nation, is a fable. It is as false as the history of America’s founding. We have
               observed that the Green Dragon Tavern, and especially the lodge of Freemasonry who
               owned the building and met in the upstairs portion, was the true headquarters of the
               American Revolution. Satan, the great dragon, is the head of Freemasonry, as the myriad
               esoteric symbols and rites of the lodge reveal.

               The Betsy Ross mythology is merely a ruse to lead people away from the truth of America’s
               founding  as  a  Luciferian  nation.  The  elements  of  the  flag  were  chosen  with  great
               deliberation and meaning. There were thirteen stars, and thirteen stripes on the first flag.
               It is not coincidental that a coven must always consist of thirteen members. Following is a
               definition of the word coven from an occult website.

               A coven is formal organization of 13 working practioners of magik. These can be witches,
               mages, shamans, and so on. But a coven is typically associated with a group of witches.
               Lead by a high priest and priestess.

               The thirteen colonies that had banded together to form a new government constituted the
               coven whose aim was the formation of a Luciferian nation. The first flag of the thirteen
               United States of America not only had 13 stars, all with five points, but as in ritual magic
               they were arranged in a circle.
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