Page 169 - Dragon Flood
P. 169

The transfer to Russia of the technology to build nuclear weapons was alluded to in a novel
               written by the son of Franklin Roosevelt in 1980. The book is titled A Family Matter. The
               dust cover of the book states, “Roosevelt... makes a bold secret decision - to share the results
               of the Manhattan Project with the Soviet Union.”

               The world banking interests would have had a hard time selling to America and the West
               the idea of a Soviet threat if America alone had nuclear weapons and Russia did not. There
               would have been little basis for an arms race, thus the technology was given to the Russians.
               It was necessary for the Russians to have nuclear weapons so that a state of continual threat
               of  nuclear  destruction  could  be  used  to  justify  both  exorbitant  military  spending and
               various policy actions.

               An article in the Wall Street Journal of April 25, 1975, headlined: “U.S. Quietly Allows
               Uranium Shipments to Soviet Union for Processing into Fuel.” The article detailed that the
               State Department had approved the sale of 1.4 million pounds of uranium oxide mined in
               Wyoming and New Mexico to the Soviet government. It would in turn be processed into
               pellets rich in Uranium 235. “This isotope provides the power for nuclear electric plants
               and for the atomic bomb.”
               [Source: Ibid]

               Why, one might ask, if the American government truly considered the Soviet Union to be
               an “Evil Empire” would it be sending it highly controlled material used in the construction
               of weapons of mass destruction?

               There have been some men in high positions within the U.S. government and military who
               have discovered what has been done clandestinely to build up the Soviet Union, all the while
               the same government and military are saying that the Soviet Union was the greatest threat
               to global freedom and peace. Two men in particular were James Forrestal, America’s first
               Secretary of Defense, and General George Patton. These men were adamantly opposed to
               aiding  the  Soviets,  and  discovering  that  the  policies  and  actions  of  the  American
               government were aiding the Communists, these men became outspoken critics. Both men
               met untimely deaths while in the care of the government in military hospitals. For those
               who care to pursue this subject further, their stories make insightful reading. Interestingly,
               both  James  Forrestal  and  Joseph  McCarthy,  died  in  Bethesda  Naval  Hospital  under
               suspicious circumstances.

               People of God, as the media and government have for decades talked about the “Red
               Menace” of the Soviet Union, they have used this as an excuse for massive military spending
               and entry into numerous conflicts. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union during the Reagan
               years, it was needful that the money powers raise up a new threat. This has led to what is
               currently known as “the war on terror.” Conveniently, this threat is hard to identify, is
               global in nature, and the conflict has no termination date for there is no way to measure
               when the threat has been removed.

               Tens of millions of lines of newsprint were devoted to the threat of the Soviet Union, and
               now the same amount is assigned to the war on terror. The news media, the government,
               and others are continually keeping this conflict before the eyes of the people. Massive
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