Page 166 - Dragon Flood
P. 166

Railroad Co. James Roosevelt was also vice president and manager of the Delaware &
               Hudson Canal Co. and chairman of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua, but most
               significantly was an organizer of the Southern Railway Security Company, established
               in 1871 and one of the first of the security holding companies formed to buy up and
               consolidate railroads. The Southern Railway Security Company was a consolidation or
               cartelization scheme similar in its monopolistic principle to the trade associations formed
               by  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  in  the  1920s  and  to  the  National  Recovery  Act,  another
               cartelization scheme, of the New Deal. James Roosevelt's second wife was Sara, daughter
               of Warren Delano, and their son was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, later President of the
               United States.

               Franklin was educated at Groton and Harvard, then went on to Columbia Law School.
               According to his son Elliott, FDR "never graduated or took a degree, but he was able to
               pass his New York State bar examination." FDR's first job was with the old established
               downtown  law  firm  of  Carter,  Ledyard  and  Milburn,  whose  principal  client  was  J.
               Pierpont Morgan, and in three years FDR worked his way up from minor legal research
               posts to the firm's municipal court and admiralty divisions. We should note in passing
               that, when FDR first went to Washington D.C. in 1916 to become Assistant Secretary of
               the Navy, it was Thomas W. Lamont—international banker and most influential of the
               Morgan partners—who leased the FDR home in New York.
               [Source: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Antony C. Sutton]

               The facts reveal that in F.D.R. the bankers had a loyal servant who was carrying forth a
               scheme that was not in America’s interests, but in the interests of the global banking and
               industrial powers. When Roosevelt sat down with Stalin and Churchill at Yalta they planned
               future wars that would advance the Luciferian plans of the money powers.

               Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin

               America’s government has maintained an image of being opposed to Communism, but her
               policies, and the actions of her bankers and industrialists, have been quite the opposite. At
               a time when Russia was still vulnerable to overthrow from members of her own country,
               American policy betrayed those who opposed the Communist government, sending millions
               to their deaths. Many Russians who were anti-Communist, put their trust in the American
               government who outwardly evinced a policy to stop Communism. The misplaced trust in
               America’s political leaders proved to be a fatal mistake for many. Ralph Epperson writes of
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