Page 168 - Dragon Flood
P. 168

It was America’s early plan to conceal the true intent of their sale of technology to Russia:
               to build a superior Russian military power. To accomplish this subterfuge, it became their
               task to convince the skeptical that the technology was being sold to Russia to assist them
               in reconstructing their war-ravaged economy, and that such aid was civilian and not

               For instance, some of the first factories constructed in Russia in the 1920's and 1930's
               were “tractor” factories, constructed in the Russian cities of Volgograd, Kharkov, and
               Chelyabinsk. All three were constructed by American companies...

               These “tractor” factories, ostensibly constructed to supply farm tractors to the Russian
               farmer,  today  produce  tanks,  armored  cars,  self-propelled  guns,  launchers,  missile
               carriers, anti-aircraft guns, and trucks.

               In addition, military tanks, so essential to any military structure, are constructed in two
               key production plants: “the Gorki plant and the Zil plant...” The Gorki plant was built
               from scratch by Henry Ford in the 1930's...

               One  of  the  most  recent  examples  of  American  technology  coming  back  to  haunt  the
               American people has come from the experience in building the Kama River truck factory
               in  Russia in  1969.  This plant, capable of  producing  100,000 heavy duty  trucks and
               150,000 diesel engines a year, more than all U.S. manufacturers put together, cost the
               Russians over $1.4 billion. Nearly $1 billion of that total came from the United States in
               the form of computers, heavy equipment, and foundry equipment...

               In addition to building the plants that produce the military hardware essential to Russia’s
               armed  forced,  the  Americans  constructed  essential  industries  to  assist  the  actual
               construction process. For instance, there are two steel plants in Russia... Both of these
               plants were constructed by American companies, the one in Magnitogorsk by the Arthur
               G. McKee & Co., the builder of the U.S. Steel plant in Gary, Indiana, and the other by the
               Freyn Engineering Company of Chicago.

               The  oil  industry  also  received  American  attention...  Lenin  gave  three  oil  boring
               concessions  to  three  major  oil  companies:  Standard  Oil  Company  (Rockefeller);  the
               Comparre Oil Company of New Jersey..., and Royal Dutch Shell.

               In addition to the oil concessions, Standard Oil received a concession to build a 150,000
               ton  kerosene  plant,  capable  of  producing  100  octane  gasoline.  Standard  Oil  also
               concluded a deal to market Russian oil in Eastern European markets...

               Gary Allen, another researcher of merit into this subject has stated: “It is possible the
               Rockefellers still own oil production facilities behind the Iron Curtain, drawing profits out
               through Switzerland.
               [Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

               What is even more shocking is that the American government sent the Soviets plans for
               America’s military technology, including the building of submarines and the atomic bomb.
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