Page 164 - Dragon Flood
P. 164

Public Information was formed to persuade Americans to support the war. The motto the
               CPI found most effective was “Making the world safe for Democracy.” It was suggested that
               Democracy equates to personal freedom, while other forms of government are oppressive.

               The disciples of Lucifer in the global banking houses understand that wars create vast
               opportunities for the rich to get richer, and wars foster an environment for social and
               political change. This is why wars have been routinely engineered by the unseen powers.
               Their authority over the nations grows as their wealth increases. By means of war they are
               able to move the course of nations along the path laid out by Satan, ultimately leading to
               a one world government, a single financial system, and absolute control over the lives of

               Facts are deliberately hidden from the populace, for if they knew the truth of world events
               they  would  be  able  to  see  past  the  deception  being  foisted  upon  them.  The  myth  of
               America’s great struggle against world Communism would be shattered if it became known
               that American banking and industrial interests financed the Bolshevik revolution, built up
               the infrastructure of Soviet Russia, and equipped their armed forces. This was necessary in
               order for the money powers to create an image of a threat to world freedom, leading to an
               arms race and a myriad of conflicts.

               Senator Joseph McCarthy was one American who became aware that there were a large
               number  of  people  in  governmental  positions  who  were  working  in  support  of  global
               Communism. McCarthy has been demonized by the press. His efforts to expose Communist
               supporters in American government have been compared to “witch hunts.” Knowing that
               global money powers own the media, their condemnation of individuals, and praise of
               others,  should  cause  the  saints  to  examine  carefully  the  views  being  promoted.  The
               darkness reacts violently to the light, for they are opposed to one another.

               McCarthy also told the American public that it was at the Yalta conference in 1945 that
               Roosevelt and Stalin planned, not only the Korean War that the United States was then
               involved in, but also the Vietnamese war that was to follow some 10 to 12 years later. It
               was on September 23, 1950, that McCarthy charged: “Here was signed the death warrant
               of the young men who were dying today in the hills and valleys of Korea. Here was signed
               the death warrant of the young men who will die tomorrow in the jungles of Indochina
               [Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

               A decade before the Vietnam War began, McCarthy stated that a secret agreement had been
               made  between  President  Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt  and  Stalin  to  carry  out  the  war.
               Franklin Delano Roosevelt was from New York. Since the late 18  century the Roosevelt
               and Delano families have been connected with financial interests in New York. From 1921
               to  1928,  the  boom  years  of  the  roaring  twenties,  Roosevelt  worked  as  a  banker  and
               speculator from his office on Broadway and Liberty streets in Manhattan.

               To be specific, Franklin D. Roosevelt was, at one time or another during the 1920s, a vice
               president of the Fidelity & Deposit Company (120 Broadway); the president of an industry
               trade association, the American Construction Council (28 West 44th Street); a partner in
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