Page 170 - Dragon Flood
P. 170

spending  programs  are  being  justified  due  to  the  threat,  and  policy  changes,  even
               alterations to the basic rights of American, are being taken due to the supposed necessity
               of protecting America from these threats. The truth of the matter is that the war on terror
               is completely contrived. It is a bill of goods sold to Americans and the world, but there is no
               substance to it.

               Some would ask, “How can this be? We hear about the war on terror daily. Surely there
               must be some threat. How can all these reports be false?” I am reminded of a passage of
               Scripture in which the Lord spoke to His disciples about the character of the last days.

               Matthew 24:6
               And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled...

               What is the difference between a war, and a rumor of war? Could it be that Yahshua was
               indicating to His disciples that there would be reports of wars that were fabricated, that
               were untrue, but would be believed by millions? By the expression “rumors of war” could
               He have been referring to such “wars” as “the Cold War” and “the War on Terror?”

               Interestingly, the Greek word translated as “rumors” is also translated as “report.”

               John 12:38
               That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath
               believed our report?

               It is certain that a world under the dominion of Satan, the great deceiver, is being subjected
               to a flood of lies and deception. It is great folly for Christians to believe the lies, and to be
               influenced by those who espouse lies. How many Christians bought into the lie of the great
               Red menace, not realizing that the very nation and its military that they feared was birthed,
               established, strengthened, and sustained, by the policy of the U.S. government and the
               material, industrial, and financial aid of American Capitalists? How many realized that the
               same Capitalists own the media that hid from view all knowledge of this deception, while
               promoting in the American mind an image of Russia as a great threat to Democracy?

               People of God, the extent of deception today is truly astounding. Satan is flooding the world
               with lies. He is causing multitudes to be swept away in the flood of deception. Not seeing
               through the lies, they become the unwitting pawns of Satan, responding as he would have
               them to do.

               An hour is at hand when Satan will bring all his plans for world government to fruition.
               Many Christians will be herded along with the world into compliance with all the schemes
               of the adversary because they lack discernment. It is a time to be exceptionally wary.
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