Page 153 - Dragon Flood
P. 153

The words of Adam Weishaupt are the words of the great deceiver. We find in Weishaupt’s
               words that “man is not bad” a restatement of the motto of Freemasonry which is “Making
               good men better.” Since the Illuminati and Freemasonry are creations of the same author,
               it is not unexpected to find that their doctrines agree with one another.

               Motto of Freemasonry

               Weishaupt, like many others who have been embraced Satan’s lies, believed that “reason”
               was the key to mankind’s perfecting. Satan, of course, presents himself as the bringer of that
               wisdom which will benefit all mankind. It is profoundly symbolic that the Rockefellers have
               placed a statue of Prometheus bringing the forbidden fire to mankind in the center of
               Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan.

               Prometheus - Rockefeller Plaza

               Satan has for millennia been portraying himself in various guises as the one who sought to
               benefit mankind by bringing man forbidden knowledge from the heavens, only to be cruelly
               punished by the gods. Prometheus is a caricature of Satan,  designed with cunning to
               persuade men that Satan/Lucifer is the good god, and Yahweh is the evil God. Did not Satan
               promise the woman in the garden that she could become “as God” by eating of the forbidden
               fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Satan continues to work along these
               same lines, enticing men to rebellion against Yahweh by offering them secret knowledge
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