Page 158 - Dragon Flood
P. 158

One hundred years after the founding of the Federal Reserve System in America, I believe
               we will see the full fruit of this act come to maturity. Barack Obama campaigned on a
               promise of “Change,” and change is truly coming. We will soon see the end of America as
               a sovereign nation as all the nations of the world are brought under a single world currency
               and a unified world government. The money of America is stamped with the words E
               Pluribus Eunum. Out of many, one. Out of many nations will come forth a one world

               E Pluribus Unum

               Look closely at the details of the Federal Reserve Note above. Under the eagle in Roman
               numerals is the number 1776. Below this we find the Latin words Novus Ordo Seclorum, a
               New Order of the Ages. It has been the goal of those powers behind the Federal Reserve
               System to bring forth a New World Order, and their plans are now very far advanced. This
               New World Order will be run by the Illuminati, and Lucifer will be their god. This is
               revealed in the following image found on Federal Reserve Notes.

               Note again the number 1776 at the base of the pyramid. This stands for  the year  the
               Illuminati  was  founded.  The  words  Annuit  Coeptis  are  translated  “He  favors  our
               undertakings.” This is a reference to Lucifer, the eye atop the pyramid, having given his
               blessing to this work. It is a work of rebellion against Yahweh, which is again revealed in
               that there are thirteen courses of stones forming the base of the pyramid below the all-
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