Page 149 - Dragon Flood
P. 149

raped, tortured and murdered. Then the oil derricks and facilities of Baku were set on

               Whoosh! Instantly, one of the world’s top oil producing regions was no more. The Nobel
               brothers fled for their lives back to Sweden, suffering a huge financial loss. Naturally, the
               Baku oil assets of Rothschild and Rockefeller were lost as well, but this was according to
               plan. That plan dictated that Russia would, during the Communist era, not be a world
               player in oil.

               This closing of Baku immediately resulted in an astronomical increase in the global price
               of oil. Rockefeller and Rothschild were well compensated for the temporary loss of their
               Baku assets. “Creative Destruction” had brought fabulous riches to these two corrupt
               Illuminati dynasties.

               Those who want to rule the world cannot permit anyone else to threaten their position.
               Russia’s success in expanding oil production, and her rapid industrialization, had made her
               an enemy of American robber barons and European bankers. Adding to Russia’s troubles,
               after Russia defeated Napoleon and occupied Paris in 1814, nearly a hundred years earlier,
               many  Russian  aristocrats  visited  France.  Some  were  introduced  to  Freemasonry  and
               brought it back to Russia where two lodges were formed in secrecy, the Northern Star, and
               the Southern Star. These organizations played a key role in working for revolution in

               To weaken Russia financially and militarily, the American capitalists decided to finance the
               Japanese government in a war with the Russian government. Ralph Epperson writes:

               From New York, Jacob Schiff, J.P. Morgan, the First National Bank, and the National City
               Bank loaned Japan approximately $30,000,000 to attack the Russian government from
               the east.

               During the time period of 1905 until 1917 Lenin, Trotsky and other communist leaders
               plotting the overthrow of the Russian monarchy were receiving tremendous support from
               American  capitalists.  After  the  Czar  abdicated  the  throne  in  1917  and  an  interim
               government was established, the exiled communist leaders were able to return to Russia.
               Trotsky left New York City, the center of America’s banking interests, on March 27, 1917 to
               return to Russia after passing through Canada. Trotsky and the 275 followers who were
               with him were stopped by the Canadian government in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was found
               that  Trotsky  had  a  large  sum  of  money  on  his  person.  The  Canadians  contacted  the
               American  government  who  pressed  them  to  release  Trotsky  and  his  followers.
               Accompanying Trotsky was Charles Crane of the Westinghouse Company, and Chairman
               of the Democratic Finance Committee.

               When  a  Senate  investigating  committee  looked  into  this  matter,  Congressman  Louis
               McFadden  stated,  “They  (the  private  banking  monopolies)  financed  Trotsky’s  mass
               meetings of rebellion and discontent in New York. They paid Trotsky’s passage from New
               York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian empire. They
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