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fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution and they placed a large fund of American
               dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden.”

               Congressman Louis McFadden was an outspoken critic of the banking cartel, and the
               Federal Reserve. He survived two assassination attempts, only to die in a third attempt
               when he was poisoned at a banquet.

               The American government at every turn has worked to establish and expand Communism
               throughout the world. In 1919 the Japanese government sought America’s approval for
               Japan to enter the war against the Bolsheviks (Communists) in Russia. President Woodrow
               Wilson refused Japan’s request. Japan’s entry into war against the Bolsheviks would have
               put enormous stress upon the Communists who were seeking to establish control of Russia.

               Although many history books describe the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a popular uprising
               of the lower classes against the monarchy, and it is understood that the majority of Russians
               were in favor of the new Communist government. This is not true. In 1917 as an interim
               government was in place, an election was held to see whether the Russian people would
               choose  Communism.  Trotsky  pushed  for  the  election  for  he  was  confident  that  the
               Bolsheviks would come out on top. Forty-two million votes were cast in Russia, and only
               thirty percent went to the Bolsheviks. Seventy percent of the Russian people rejected the
               new Communist party to be rulers of their nation. The Bolsheviks then pressed forth with
               a war on their own people to stamp out all opposition. It would be a couple decades later
               before their rule was solidified and uncontested.

               American bankers and industrialists played a key part in establishing the Communist
               government in Russia. In truth, Americans are more responsible for Communism in Russia
               than the Russian people themselves. Yet Satan has deluded the masses to believe that
               America has been antagonistic toward Communism from the beginning. The facts prove

               The director of the Federal Reserve bank of New York, William B. Thompson, gave a
               personal contribution of $1,000,000 to the Bolsheviks. Mr. Thompson was also a heavy
               stockholder in the Chase National Bank, owned by the Rockefeller interests.

               The Morgan and Rockefeller interests also contributed cash to the cause, as did Jacob
               Schiff, the senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., who gave Lenin $20,000,000. Schiff was
               a partner of Paul Warburg, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and a participant of the
               Jekyll Island, Georgia meetings that wrote the Federal Reserve bill that created America’s
               central banking system.
               [Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

               The Bolsheviks brutally enforced their rule over the Russian people. In the Ukraine they
               starved the population into submission. The Bolsheviks removed the farmers from their
               fields and confiscated their crops. Millions of Russian peasants were starving across the
               nation. The Bolsehviks themselves were endangered by their own policies.

               This time it was Herbert Hoover who “saved Lenin’s dictatorship from popular revolt in
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