Page 155 - Dragon Flood
P. 155


               For those who are interested, I highly recommend the video titled Dreams From My REAL
               Father, which is an expose of the background of Barack Obama. The video sets forth
               compelling evidence of Obama being the son of a Communist party member in America,
               and  reveals  the  Communist  ideology  he  has  embraced.  His  actions  since  becoming
               President have very clearly demonstrated that he is moving America toward a Socialist
               state, and away from Capitalism.

               The video Dreams From My REAL Father can be viewed through Amazon’s video service,
               and if you are an Amazon Prime member the video is free at this time.


               Nesta Wesbter has summarized the goals of the Illuminati as follows:

               1.      Abolition of monarchy and all ordered government.
               2.      Abolition of private property.
               3.      Abolition of inheritance.
               4.      Abolition of patriotism (nationalism).
               5.      Abolition of the family (i.e. of marriage and all morality, and the institution of
                       communal education of children).
               6.      Abolition of all religion.

               A remarkable parallel is seen in the ten planks set forth in the Communist Manifesto
               written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848. It should be noted that neither Marx not
               Engels  originated  these  doctrines  on  their  own.  Around  1846  both  men  joined  The
               Communist League while in Paris. This League is traceable back to the League of the Just
               which was formed by German refugees in Paris. One can follow the trail from the Illuminati
               in Bavaria to the Communist League in Paris.

               At the Second Congress of the Communist League, Marx and Engels were selected to write
               the party platform. They subsequently wrote the Communist Manifesto in which they set
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