Page 151 - Dragon Flood
P. 151

the early 1920s. There is further proof that Hoover, then President Harding’s Secretary
               of Commerce, knew U.S. shipments of food, which the American people were told were to
               save starving Russians, actually were used to strengthen Bolshevik power. In his book
               “Herbert Hoover and Famine Relief to Soviet Russia,” professor Benjamin Weissman of
               Rutger’s University revealed that Hoover continued to send public foodstuffs to Russia
               long after it was obvious the Bolsheviks were shipping their own food abroad in order to
               purchase machinery.
               [Source: Ibid]

               Why would American capitalists, bankers, and the American government support the
               founding of a Communist government whose principles were antithetical to America’s
               capitalist system? As it will be demonstrated as this series continues, Communism is the
               system chosen by the Illuminati for their one world government. When the New World
               Order is revealed, it will be Communist in nature. As Ralph Epperson explains in his book
               The Unseen Hand, there are two primary methods by which the Illuminati seeks to bring
               all nations under a Communist system. There is the violent method as was successfully used
               to establish Communism in Russia. Then there is the non-violent method that is being used
               in the nations of Western Europe, America, and elsewhere.

               Although the American government under the control of the money powers promotes an
               image of being anti-Communist, they are actually working steadily and progressively to
               transf0rm the nation into a  Socialist system. In the past five years progress has been
               exceptionally rapid in transforming America into a socialist country. A huge centralized
               Federal government is now in place that controls all the factors of society. The middle class
               in America is rapidly shrinking, and the government owns or controls the majority of
               property in the nation. Consider that a full third of the land area of America is now owned
               outright as Federal property. Add in the tens of millions of mortgages that have been
               underwritten by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the purchase of billions of dollars of
               mortgage securities by the Federal Reserve (supposedly to stabilize the banks and the
               economy), and it is evident that America is no longer owned by the citizens of the nation.
               It is owned by the government.

               In order for all nations to come under one single world governmental system, they must all
               share the same form of government. It is not possible to have a one world government while
               some areas of the globe operate upon capitalist and free market principles and others upon
               Communist/Socialist principles. All must be the same. It is evident that Communism has
               been chosen as the authoritarian, highly controlled, centrally planned, form of government
               for the world. This is what Satan calls “Freedom” for mankind, and this is what his disciples
               also call Freedom.

               This is why the powers that truly rule in America have been propping up Communist
               countries for generations. This is why Russia, who was America’s ally in World War II was
               given a free hand to expand her governmental control over all of Eastern Europe. In truth,
               one of the primary goals of World War II was to spread Communism further across the
               globe. Evidence will be provided of this fact, and American involvement in this plan, in the
               following chapters.
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