Page 68 - The Remnant Bride
P. 68

The Wilderness

               I  t was not God’s intention for the children of Israel to spend a whole generation in the
                  wilderness. The wilderness was not to be their destination. However, the wilderness was

               an integral and important part of their journey. Going through the wilderness was not
               optional. Even so, the Bride must go through the wilderness. She is not to abide there

               forever, but she is to profit by her wilderness experience.
                     Having just come out of bondage, Israel needed to acquire a new mindset. No longer

               slaves  to  their  Egyptian  masters,  the  Israelites  had  to  shed  a  slave  mentality.  It  was
               necessary for someone to take charge of their lives. They had two obvious choices. They

               could rule their own lives, or they could submit to God, receiving Him as their head and
               their Lord.

                     The saint of God has the same two choices. Having been delivered from bondage (the
               bondage of sin), the saint can choose to rule his own life, attempting to please God in his

               own strength, being led by his own reason, or he can submit to the Lordship of Christ.
                     As we saw with Peter, reliance upon self is inadequate to lead us to the destination

               God has for us. It also was inadequate to lead the Israelites into the promised land. The ten
               unfaithful spies and the mass of the people were walking in their own strength. Having

               spied out the land, they determined whether they were adequate in their own strength to
               go in and possess it. The answer was a resounding ““No!”

                       Numbers 13:32-33

                       "The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its
                       inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great size. There also

                       we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became
                       like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."

                     It may seem incredible to us that Israel thought that they were going to have to

               conquer and possess the land of their inheritance by their own strength. After all, they had
               seen clearly that it was God who had brought them out of Egypt. It was God who visited the

               ten plagues upon Egypt. It was God who opened up the Red Sea allowing Israel to cross over
               and who then closed the sea, destroying the armies of Pharaoh.
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