Page 67 - The Remnant Bride
P. 67

Love is certainly an attribute of those who make up the Bride of Christ. It is arguably

               the greatest attribute. It will be impossible to embrace the cross and walk where Christ
               would have us to walk without love. We will fail to believe, fail to hope, fail to endure, fail

               to bear all things, without love.
                     In  the  preceding  examples  it  would  seem  that  God  is  striving  to  reveal  to  us  a

               profound truth. Over and over we see Peter and John facing the same tests, but with vastly
               different results. What Peter was unable to accomplish with human strength, will-power,

               and resolve, John accomplished with love.
                     I heard a pastor, who had performed many marriage ceremonies, state that he had

               never seen an unattractive bride. He said they were all made radiant by the love that was
               evident upon their faces. Even so, the most attractive feature of the Bride of Christ is her

               evident love for the Bridegroom. It is this love that allows her to advance where others will
               not go. It is this love that leads her from the Outer Court, through the Holy Place, into the

               Most Holy Place.
                     Those who are of the Bride have seen the joy that is set before them. This joy is Christ.

               He is the passion and love of the Bride. He is her possession, her inheritance. Her love will

               keep her in readiness and in expectation of His appearing. Like John, she will not be able
               to be anywhere else, but at His side.
                     Love is therefore essential, for Yahshua will lead His Bride through wilderness places

               as He prepares her. Even as a butterfly begins as a caterpillar, but is transformed in the

               cocoon, the Bride will be transformed as she allows her love for Christ to lead her through
               wilderness paths.
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