Page 70 - The Remnant Bride
P. 70

today want to do something for God, but what He wants is for His children to trust Him.

               This is not in any way a contradiction to what has been said in this book thus far. God wants
               our lives to be full of obedience and activity, but the activity He desires is that which He

               leads us to. As we mentioned in a previous chapter, we are being conformed to the image
               of  Yahshua  the  Messiah  and  Yahshua  stated  that  He  never  did  anything  of  His  own

                     Yahshua’s life was far from inactive, but His activities were those the Father led Him

               to. God is always the initiator of the deeds He would have us to be involved in.

                       Ephesians 2:10
                       For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Yahshua for good works, which God

                       prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

                     Pursuing the reward God has set before us is not about doing something for God. It
               is merely being willing to go where He is beckoning us to go. It is about expressing trust and

               confidence in God to the extent that we will go wherever He leads.

                     Adam and Eve’s fall was the result of a failure to trust God. They believed that God
               was withholding something that was beneficial to them. In grasping for themselves the
               thing that God had withheld, they were saying, “God, I don’t believe you have my best

               interests at heart. I must take control of my interests because I no longer trust you.”

                     Ever since the fall of man God has been looking for those who will say, “God, I do trust
               you. I do feel that I can confidently place my life in your hands.” Unfortunately, even among
               those who trust God for the forgiveness of sins, there are few who will trust Him with their

               lives here on Earth. However, when He does find such a one, God will move heaven and

               Earth on their behalf.

                       II Chronicles 16:9
                       For the eyes of Yahweh move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly

                       support those whose heart is completely His.

                     God has an inheritance for His children, but it will require faith on our part to acquire
               it. The Bride consists of those who trust God and who willingly place their lives and their
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