Page 71 - The Remnant Bride
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welfare in His hands. They do not feel they must protect their own interests. They are

               confident of God’s care for them. With Job, they can say, “Though He slay me, yet will I
               trust Him” (Job 13:15).

                     The children of Israel in the wilderness could not make this good confession. Instead,
               they confessed just the opposite. They asked God if He had led them into the wilderness just

               to kill them. They asked Him if it was because there weren’t enough graves in Egypt that He
               had led them to the wilderness to bury them there (Exodus 14:11). Such taunting and lack

               of trust angered God, and because of it He swore that they would not enter into the land of

                     This matter of trust is of utmost importance and it is in the wilderness that it is
               proven. God is looking for faith in the hearts of His children. Yahshua asked the question,

               “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth" (Luke 18:8)? Likewise, we are

                       Hebrews 11:6

                       And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him

                       must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

                      Once salvation is received by an act of faith, this faith being a free gift (Ephesians

               2:8), God then expects the saint to begin demonstrating trust in Him. The believer needs

               no other proof of God’s good will toward Him than the cross of Christ.

                       John 3:16

                       For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever

                       believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

                     The natural response of one who has received salvation should be to assert confidently
               that he knows God loves Him. He loves him so much that He did not even withhold His own

               Son, but freely gave Him up on our behalf. All saints should be able to assert with John, “I
               am the disciple whom Yahshua loves.” Having this confidence, the saint will find himself

               following Christ wherever He leads. For this reason, Satan works tirelessly to undermine
               the saint’s confidence in Christ’s love toward him.  The saint must remain vigilant against
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