Page 64 - The Remnant Bride
P. 64

of the three disciples who were most intimate with Yahshua. He was often described as

               being close by Yahshua’s side and even leaned on Yahshua’s breast (John 13:23). If one of
               the other disciples had a question to ask of Yahshua, they would sometimes ask John to

               present it to Him (John 13:24-25).
                     John loved Yahshua passionately and he was aware of Yahshua’s love for him. By

               declaring himself “the disciple whom Yahshua loved,” John was in effect saying, “I know
               Yahshua loves me.” It was his understanding of Yahshua’s love for him that caused such a

               deep love to arise within his own heart. John acknowledges this in his first epistle to the

                       I John 4:19

                       We love, because He first loved us.

                     This profound truth will be important for us to keep in mind as we go along. As we see
               how great a source of motivation love is, we will naturally ask how we can be increased in

               love. The answer is that we must better understand how deeply Christ loves us. Love begets

               love. Passion begets passion. As we come to comprehend Christ’s great love for us, we will
               find a reciprocal love arising within our own hearts.
                     John did not fall away from Christ or deny Him, but, due to his deep love for Yahshua,

               he remained as close as possible.

                       John 18:15-16
                       And Simon Peter was following Yahshua, and so was another disciple. Now that

                       disciple was known to the high priest, and entered with Yahshua into the court of the

                       high priest, but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who
                       was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to the doorkeeper, and brought in


                     John is speaking of himself here as the other disciple known to the High Priest. He
               and Peter were the only two disciples mentioned as being near Yahshua at his questioning

               before the High Priest. Unlike Peter, it wasn’t discipline and determination that brought
               John here, it was love. He wanted to remain close to his beloved friend. It was impossible
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