Page 92 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 92

button and push it again. If they pushed a button and never received a food pellet,
                   then they would give up and never go back to pushing that button. However, if
                   there was a button that gave pellets randomly, sometimes providing a pellet, but
                   other times not providing a pellet, the rat would keep pushing the button until he
                   received  what  he  desired.  Even  if  he  had  to  push  the  button  99  times  before
                   receiving  a  pellet,  he  would  persist  because  he  knew  that  it  would  eventually
                   release that which he sought.
                         Satan operates much the same way in our lives. If he has any hope that in
                   persisting to push our buttons that he will entice us to abandon our obedience to
                   Christ and give into temptation, he will keep on doing so. When he sees  there is
                   no longer any hope of producing the desired result of sin, he will give up. Satan’s
                   role is therefore beneficial to the Christian. By his attacks he serves to reveal if
                   there is some area of our life where we are not fully committed to obedience.
                         God wants to prove our love for Him. He could have driven all the enemies
                   out of the land of our flesh when we first came to Him. His goal, however, is not
                   merely to have a land devoid of enemies, it is to have mature sons and daughters
                   who love Him and are fully committed to Him. For this reason He requires that
                   you and I engage in the battle. In this way we are made strong spiritually, and our
                   love for God is proven.
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