Page 95 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 95

this  you  know  with  certainty,  that  no  immoral  or  impure  person  or
                          covetous  man,  who  is  an  idolater,  has  an  inheritance  in  the  kingdom  of
                          Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of
                          these  things  the  wrath  of  God  comes  upon  the  sons  of  disobedience.
                          Therefore do not be partakers with them...

                          James 1:22
                          But  prove  yourselves  doers  of  the  word,  and  not  merely  hearers  who
                          deceive themselves.

                         God’s  word  testifies  over  and  over  that  He  will  judge  us  according  to  our
                   actions,  not  our  confession.  The  apostle  John  also  sounds  forth  this  same

                          I John 3:7-8
                          Little  children,  make  sure  no  one  deceives  you;  the  one  who  practices
                          righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices
                          sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

                         Who  will  God  judge  to  be  righteous?  Those  who  walk  in  righteousness!
                   Those whose words and actions are in accordance with the will of God! The many
                   Biblical warnings  against  deception  occur  most  frequently  in  regard to  this  one
                   pervasive lie. Men and women falsely believe that their confession alone is all that
                   is needed to be accounted as righteous in God’s sight. Yet God says such a mindset
                   seeks to mock His justice.
                         Consider  the  example  of  two  men  who  live  in  the  same  town  who  both
                   pursue the same fleshly passions and desires. Man number one goes to church and
                   the other doesn’t. Man number one prayed a sinner’s prayer and the other has not.
                   Man  number  one  asks  God  to  forgive  him  every  time  he  sins,  and  the  other
                   doesn’t.  Yet  they  both  live  the  same  lifestyle.  They  both  regularly  view
                   pornography, or get drunk, or take illegal drugs. Both live carnal lives as they seek
                   to fulfill the desires of their flesh. It would be a mockery of God’s justice for the
                   first man who claimed to be a Christian to ask God to judge him differently than
                   the other man. Yet many Christians have such an expectation.
                         This type of mentality is so prevalent among Christians today that some who
                   read this might be saying, “Hey, I don’t believe you are right. Isn’t the man who
                   confessed his sins justified before God and considered righteous?” It is just such a
                   message of confession that has become separated from actions that has led to so
                   much  deception  in  the  church  today.  Consider  the  following  parable  of  Christ,
                   which seeks to make this matter as plain and easily understandable as possible.

                          Luke 6:46-49
                          "Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? Everyone who
                          comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom
                          he  is  like:  he  is  like  a  man  building  a  house,  who  dug  deep  and  laid  a
                          foundation  on  the  rock;  and  when  a  flood  occurred,  the  torrent  burst
                          against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.
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