Page 89 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 89

Chapter 13 - His Part and Ours

                     n order to have our minds fully prepared to do battle against addictive desires
                   Iand the sin that dwells in our flesh, we must understand clearly what God will
                   do for us, and what He expects us to do. I have heard numerous people who were
                   struggling with various sins declare, “I have asked God to take this away from me
                   time  after  time,  and  it  has  not  gone  away.”  I  have  heard  this  confession  in
                   reference  to  the  desire  to  drink,  or  to  do  drugs,  and  even  from  those  who  are
                   struggling with anger.
                         I  wrestled  with  the  question  of  what  God  would  do  for  me,  and  what  He
                   expected me to do, for many years. As a young man struggling with sexual lust and
                   an  attraction  to  pornography  I  sought  diligently  to  understand  this  matter.  I
                   sought the counsel of pastors and church elders, but never received the answer I
                   needed. I looked for books on the topic, and I even found one that had the same
                   title as this chapter, but I was disappointed when I read the book and found that it
                   was not written to answer the specific questions I had.
                         My upbringing in church had left me confused concerning the matter of what
                   God’s  role  was  in  my  overcoming  sin,  and what  my  own  part  was.  I  had heard
                   ministers declare that we must be like Paul who prayed that God might remove his
                   thorn in the flesh. I have found that this is the mindset of many struggling with
                   addiction. Their response before God is to simply ask Him to take the evil desire
                   out of them. When they have prayed this many times, and the desire has not gone
                   away,  they  are  often  left  confused  and  doubting.  This  was  my  own  experience
                   while wrestling to overcome a desire for pornography.
                         Adding to my confusion was the testimony of many men and women who
                   declared that when they became Christians that some sin they had been enslaved
                   to all their lives was suddenly gone. I have heard reputable accounts of men who
                   cursed like a sailor all their lives, but when they were born again of the Spirit the
                   desire to curse left them, and it was never again a problem. I have heard of men
                   who were marvelously delivered from alcohol or drugs or cigarettes in the same
                   way,  and  I  believe  these  accounts  to  be  true.  I  could  not  understand  why  God
                   would not do the same in my life, as I had asked Him many times to take away the
                   impure sexual desires.
                         It wasn’t until later years when the Spirit began to open my eyes to see the
                   parables in Scripture that I understood the truth of this matter and received the
                   long sought after answer. The answer to my question was right before me in the
                   account of the Israelites going in to take possession of the land of Canaan. As we
                   have seen, the land of Canaan is a type and shadow of man’s flesh. It is in man that
                   Christ  seeks  to  establish  His  kingdom.  The  enemies  we  face  are  those  sinful
                   desires and passions that reside within our flesh.
                         As the Spirit began to open up to me the parable of Israel’s battles, I saw an
                   amazing thing.  There  were  times  when  God  drove  some  enemy out  of  the  land
                   without Israel having to lift a finger against them. Following is one such account.

                          Joshua 24:12
                          “Then I sent the hornet before you and it drove out the two kings of the
                          Amorites from before you, but not by your sword or your bow.”
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