Page 96 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 96

But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who
                          built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst
                          against  it  and  immediately  it  collapsed,  and  the  ruin  of  that  house  was

                         This principle is as true for those who are now in the age of the church as it
                   was for those who were under the age of the Law. The basic principle of sowing
                   and  reaping  has  never  changed.  Consider  the  words  of  Christ  to  the  seven
                   churches  in  Asia  whom  He  addressed  in  the  book  of  Revelation.  Christ  was
                   speaking  to  Christian  churches.  He  was  sending  a  message  to  those  who  called
                   Him “Lord.” He was speaking to those who claimed salvation through His blood.
                   Yet over and over He began His addresses to these churches by declaring, “I know
                   your deeds.” (Revelation 2:2, 2:19,  3:1, 3:8, 3:15)  It  was by their deeds that He
                   accounted them either righteous or unrighteous. It was due to their deeds that He
                   either  pronounced  judgment  or  reward.  Christ  did  not  begin  each  address  by
                   saying, “I know your confession.” God demands that our belief be proven by acts
                   of obedience.
                         You  may  ask  why  I  am  speaking  about  this  in  a  book  that  is  about
                   overcoming addiction. The reason is that when we have no fear that continuing in
                   disobedience will bring severe consequences, we are much more apt to be careless
                   in our resolve to overcome the sin in our life. The scriptures provide the following

                          II Corinthians 7:1
                          Having  therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves
                          from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of

                         Holiness  is  perfected  in  the  fear  of  God.  If  we  have  been  deceived  into
                   thinking that we can continue in sin after having become partakers of the grace
                   and  forgiveness  of  God  then  we  will  be  prone  to  continue  sinning.  Yet  the
                   Scriptures are very clear that this is not God’s will, and those who do such things
                   will incur judgment.

                          Romans 6:1-2
                          What  shall  we  say  then?  Are  we  to  continue  in  sin  so  that  grace  may
                          increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?

                          Hebrews 10:26-31
                          For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth,
                          there  no  longer  remains  a  sacrifice  for  sins,  but  a  certain  terrifying
                          expectation  of  judgment,  and  the  fury  of  a  fire  which  will  consume  the
                          adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy
                          on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment
                          do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God,
                          and  has  regarded as  unclean  the  blood  of  the  covenant  by  which  he  was
                          sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said,
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