Page 88 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 88

where we are cast upon Him to provide for us and deliver us. Being Spirit led will
                   actually promote fast spiritual growth among those involved in ministry. They will
                   quickly  have to learn a sensitivity to  the Spirit. They will  have to  rapidly attain
                   discernment and learn to exercise sound judgment.
                         It is perhaps helpful to note that in the Bible we never read of God anointing
                   a program, or ministry. His anointing is always upon people and ministers. This is
                   observed in the following verses.

                          I Kings 19:15-16
                          Yahweh  said  to  [Elijah],  "Go,  return  on  your  way  to  the  wilderness  of
                          Damascus, and when you have arrived, you shall anoint Hazael king over
                          Aram; and Jehu the son of Nimshi you shall anoint king over Israel; and
                          Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah you shall anoint as prophet in
                          your place.

                         When Yahweh wants some work done, He anoints people. The Spirit is the
                   anointing,  and  the  Spirit  is  life.  Life  must  be  poured  into  that  which  it  can
                   animate. Programs cannot be animated, but people can. There is no such thing as
                   an  anointed  ministry.  There  are  only  anointed  ministers.  If  you  have  the  best
                   designed program that can be devised, and it is not carried out by Spirit led and
                   empowered people, then it will not produce life.
                         Any  ministry  to  those  struggling  with  addiction,  must  of  necessity  teach
                   those seeking help to hear God’s voice for themselves. Their victory will come as
                   they hear and obey. This instruction in discerning the voice of Christ must be a key
                   part of any ministry to addicts. How can they be instructed to discern the voice of
                   Christ if the ministers are not discerning His voice themselves?
                         We see then, both by the history of Israel, and the example of Christ, that
                   Yahweh would have us to be a Spirit directed people. He wants us ever abiding in
                   Him. The more dependent we are upon Him for all things, the more we will see
                   Him manifesting His power through our lives.
                         As you seek to know what specific steps to take in order to overcome your
                   addiction, you must look to God. He will give you specific instructions. Some He
                   will tell to relocate that they might get away from evil influences. Others He will
                   tell to remain where they are at. Some He will tell to change occupations. Some He
                   will instruct to take actions that would make no sense to another, but which are
                   necessary in their own life. The Spirit may instruct you to attend a church that you
                   had not been attending, or to quit attending a church you had been. Whatever our
                   battle plan is in overcoming addiction, we must receive it from the Spirit of Christ.
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