Page 85 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 85

Canaan.  It  was  His  will  that  they  should  ALWAYS  seek  Him  to  know  how  the
                   battle  was  to  be  fought.  The  tendency to  judge  things  by  appearances is  deeply
                   ingrained in our flesh. This was the cause for Israel’s first failure. They went and
                   looked things over, and decided that they would attack according to the way that
                   seemed  most  reasonable.  We  are  not  to  judge  things  by  appearance,  nor  make
                   decisions  according  to  our  natural  reason.  We  are  called  to  be  a  people  of  the
                   Spirit. “All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”
                         We see how deeply ingrained this tendency was in the hearts of the Israelites
                   in an event that occurred next. Dwelling right in the middle of the land of Canaan
                   was a group of people called the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites had heard how Israel
                   had destroyed Jericho and Ai, as well as all that God did in bringing them out of
                   Egypt. They trembled in fear at the approach of Joshua and his people. Knowing
                   they  could  not  defeat  Israel  in  battle,  they  thought  to  defeat  them  through
                         The Gibeonites appointed key men to go and ask Joshua to make a treaty of
                   peace with them. They knew Joshua would not do so if he discovered that they
                   dwelt in the midst of the land God had promised to Israel, so they made it appear
                   as if they came from a far land. They put on worn out clothes. They put moldy
                   cheese and dry bread in their bags. They chose worn and patched water flasks to
                   carry. Through these means they sought to deceive Israel into thinking they came
                   from a far land.
                         These men came to Joshua and the leaders of Israel and told them that they
                   had come from a land far away from Canaan where the fame of Israel had been
                   heard,  and  they  asked  for  a  treaty  of  peace  with  them.  The  leaders  of  Israel
                   questioned them concerning where they had come from, and asked if they dwelt in
                   the land of Canaan. The Gibeonites denied doing so, and they showed them their
                   food and clothes and water bags as proof that they had journeyed a long way.
                         Once  more  the  leaders  of  Israel  neglected  to  consult  with  Yahweh.  The
                   Gibeonites appeared to be telling the truth. Consequently, Joshua made a treaty of
                   peace with them. A few days later their deception was uncovered, but it was too
                   late. A treaty had already been made and the oath had to be honored. Israel was
                   not able to dispossess this people due to the treaty. This enemy dwelt in their land
                   throughout all their days when God desired for them to be conquered.
                         In  the  book  of  Isaiah  there  is  a  prophecy  of  Christ  that  declares  that  He
                   would not do as the Israelites did. He would not judge things by appearances.

                          Isaiah 11:3-4
                          And He will not judge by what His eyes see, nor make a decision by what
                          His ears hear; but with righteousness He will judge...

                         How do we make decisions if we are not judging by appearances? We do so
                   by  pressing  into  the  presence  of  God  and  seeking  His  counsel.  This  is  how
                   Yahshua  discerned  what  He  was  to  do  in  every  instance.  We  see  this  same
                   diversity in the actions of Christ as we observe in Yahweh’s battle instructions for
                   Israel. Christ healed a number of blind men during His ministry. Following are a
                   few examples.
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