Page 82 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 82

Chapter 12 - Christ, Our Counselor

                     t is normal when struggling with some addictive desire to want someone to give
                   Iyou a specific set of ordered steps that you can follow in order to attain victory.
                   What we have seen thus far in this book are some foundational things that must be
                   attended  to  in  order  to  have  any  hope  of  overcoming  addiction.  There  are  also
                   things a person should be doing every day in order to build up the spirit man. But
                   overcoming is not found in a series of ordered steps. It is found as we walk in the
                         The church has a tendency to package things into a nice neat packet of rules
                   to follow, or principles to adhere unto. I listened to a preacher named Dudley Hall
                   share a revelation on this matter. He said that he had a conversation with a friend
                   who  had  told  him  that  he  had  finally  found  a  list  of  ordered  rules  that  truly
                   worked. When asked what they were, Dudley’s friend replied, “The first rule is ‘Do
                   the next thing the Spirit tells you to do.’” He then stated, “The second rule is ‘Then
                   do the next thing the Spirit tells you to do.’” He concluded that all the steps were
                   the same.
                         I thought this was wonderful advice, and it is in keeping with the counsel of
                   the word of God.

                          Romans 8:14
                          For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

                         It is not Yahweh’s desire that His children should be led by a book full of
                   rules  and  regulations.  Living  in  such  a  way  tends  to  lead  men  to  distance
                   themselves from the presence of God. When we look to a body of legal code to tell
                   us  what  to  do  in  every  instance,  then  we  neglect  to  seek  the  face  of  God.  Our
                   Father desires that we should be in communion with Him daily. He wants us to
                   ask Him for understanding, and to seek Him for direction. As we do so, we are
                   kept in communication with Him.
                         Consider the following analogy. Suppose your earthly father gave you a book
                   when  you  were  young,  and  he  had  written  down  instructions  to  guide  you  in
                   everything  you  were  to  experience  throughout  your  life.  When  some  situation
                   arose in which you were unsure of your father’s will, you would get out the book
                   and find some instruction that would guide you in that particular situation. The
                   result  of  operating  in  such  a  way  is  that  you  would  spend  far  less  time  in  the
                   presence of your father. This is not a result that Yahweh desires. Practically, such a
                   book  would  be  impossible  to  write.  Even  the  Bible  does  not  contains  specific
                   instructions regarding the Lord’s will in all situations.
                         For example, consider a young man that is considering marriage. There are
                   Scriptures that lay out some general principles on marriage. A Christian is only to
                   marry another Christian is one such instruction. But the Bible does not tell you
                   what specific person you should marry, or even if you should marry at all. Perhaps
                   you are struggling with knowing whether you should marry Susie, or if it would be
                   better to marry Sally. The Bible will not tell you, and God has designed it this way
                   for  a  purpose.  He  wants  us  to  speak  directly  with  Him.  He  doesn’t  want  His
                   children to walk apart from His presence.
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