Page 98 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 98

not  cleanse  themselves  from  wickedness  they  will  be  disqualified  and  their
                   position  and  reward  given  to  another.  Many  have  already  suffered  such  a
                   judgment. For this reason, even among the children of God, there will be weeping
                   and wailing and gnashing of teeth on the day of judgment. Those who could have
                   had so much will see how foolish they were as they squandered the high calling of
                   God and wasted the precious opportunities Yahweh afforded them.
                         I know from experience the great value of coming to understand the fear of
                   God. After struggling with pornography for many years it was the fear of God that
                   served as a key to bring me victory. I knew I had a high call upon my life. It had
                   been prophesied, and the Spirit had made it known to me for many years. I had
                   begun to enter into some small measure of service to God, but I was still dabbling
                   with pornography. One day the Spirit spoke to me and said, “If you do not rule
                   over what your eyes look upon then you will be disqualified from that which I have
                   planned for you.”
                         I cannot tell you the anguish that gripped me as I considered what it meant
                   to forfeit the good things God had ordained for my life. I was gripped with a great
                   desire to not disqualify myself, and it was due to this fear of God that I was able
                   from that moment forward to put away pornography and never pick it up again. I
                   have been tested many times since that date. Even while at the mission there have
                   been numerous times when I came across some pornographic magazine hidden
                   away by one of the men in residence. Many times I was in a secluded place with no
                   observers around when I discovered it. Yet every time I was immediately mindful
                   of  God’s  warning,  and  I  would  not  even  open  the  cover  of  the  magazine,  but  I
                   would take it to a trash can and immediately throw it out.
                         Even the greatest among Yahweh’s servants can benefit from the fear of God
                   in their life. Consider the words of the apostle Paul after he had been serving as an
                   apostle for many years.

                          I Corinthians 9:27
                          I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached
                          to others, I myself should become disqualified.

                         The apostle Paul understood that he could act in such a way as to become
                   disqualified  from  the  apostolic  calling  on  his  life.  It  was  this  fear  of
                   disqualification that led him to discipline his body and rule over it.
                         There have been numerous instances in my life where the fear of God has
                   been a great boon in motivating me to press on to victory over some stronghold in
                   my flesh. One such instance was related to a stronghold of covetousness that had
                   been present through all my adult life. In disobedience to the will of God I went
                   into  debt  in  order  to  purchase  things  that  I  longed  for.  Time  after  time  God
                   corrected me in this, but I would return to the same error.
                         Since  my  youth  I  have  loved  the  word  of  God,  and  I  have  yearned  to
                   understand  the  mysteries  of  His  word.  I  have  often  prayed  for  spiritual
                   understanding, and I have found the study of God’s word to be the joy of my life.
                   One day when I was well into adulthood, and was still walking in covetousness and
                   disobedience,  having  incurred  more  debt,  the  Spirit  spoke  to  me  through  the
                   following Scripture.
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