Page 27 - No Apologies
P. 27

Kristin has on occasions asked me for counsel concerning clothing. One thing that is
               popular among young women today are t-shirts that have some image or message written
               right across the breast area. I have advised my daughter to be aware of the subtlety of Satan
               in such fashions. Even if the message or image is innocent, it draws the eyes to the breasts
               of a woman. Men don’t need much encouragement in this area. A young girl, or woman is
               doing her brothers in Christ a disservice if she is by her dress and appearance causing them
               to have thoughts of a sexual nature stirred up inside them.
                     Kristin has many Mennonite friends, and they too dress modestly, and eschew jewelry,
               and elaborate hairdos. I cannot remember seeing any of them with their nails polished, or
               cosmetics on their faces, yet they glow with a different type of beauty. They have the beauty
               of purity and innocence.
                     There are a few denominations and groups like the Mennonites and Charity Churches
               that have chosen to array themselves in a manner that is altogether distinct from the
               sensual  fashions  of  this  world.  Some  refer  to  themselves  as  “plain  people.”  Such  a
               description is offensive to the woman who wants to appear worldly in order to have the
               admiration and respect of the world. To be “plain” is to be humble. Jezebel is not humble,
               but the woman whom God favors is.
                     I have had a fair amount of interaction with some of the women and young girls in
               these churches. One thing that has impressed me is that the beauty of the inner life is much
               more readily evident in these ones than in women from churches that dress according to the
               fashions of the world. I see a greater honor in the homes. The children are respectful and
               courteous. The women submit themselves to their husbands, and they are renowned for
               their good works.
                     Although there are exceptions, I have noted a contrast among those Christian women
               who dress in worldly fashions. The women are much more likely to be outspoken, to seek
               equality with their husbands. Rather than being keepers at home, they are often career
               women, and many are addicted to shopping and entertainment instead of being devoted to
               good works.
                     In effect, the women who focus on adorning the outside of the cup are more selfishly
               minded. Those women who have adopted plain attire while pursuing an inner beauty are
               more likely to exhibit a selfless attitude, focused on serving others.
                     The apostle Peter, while contrasting the carnal and the spiritual woman, declared that
               the beauty of the spiritual woman is “imperishable.” No matter how much success a woman
               has in making herself outwardly attractive and desirable, she will soon find her beauty
               fading. The glow and vitality of a youthful body soon loses its luster. In contrast, the woman
               who has beauty of spirit finds that her attractiveness never grows old.
                     Surely my words and counsel on these things will strike many as alien. If so, then
               perhaps I have conveyed some of the difference between the kingdom of God and the
               kingdom  of  this  world.  Few  ministers  will  speak  forth  these  things  today.  Jezebel  is
               renowned for slaying prophets and righteous men. Those she cannot destroy, she will drive
               into hiding.

                       I Kings 18:13
                       “Has it not been told to my master what I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of
                       Yahweh, that I hid a hundred prophets of Yahweh by fifties in a cave, and provided
                       them with bread and water?”
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