Page 24 - No Apologies
P. 24


                     Is it not a great delusion that has led men today to so carelessly cast off that which God
               designed to... distinguish men from boys and from women?
               [End Excerpt]

                     As I thought on these things, I considered that the man who cuts off the beard is
               altering his appearance to be like the woman. God created the adult woman to have a
               smooth, hairless face, while He caused hair to grow on the face of the adult male. I wanted
               to be a thoughtful Christian, giving heed to all of my ways. The decision to wear a beard, or
               to shave it off, should not be made according to the counsel of the world, a world which lies
               in the power of the evil one. I wanted my decision to be based upon the Spirit and the word.
                     My point is this, if we are being led of the Spirit, rather than being led by our souls and
               the counsel and patterns of a fallen world, we will think, act, and LOOK differently than
               many in the world. It has been nearly thirty years since I last did not wear a beard. Does it
               not reveal a blind spot in man’s thoughts that many would not think of wearing women’s
               clothing,  but  they  shave  the  beard  off  without  any  consideration  at  all?  Whether
               consciously, or not, they are altering their appearance to be like that of the woman. Where
               does the motive, or inspiration, come from that leads men to do this? I have talked to many
               men and none have told me that God directed them to cut off the beard, or that they read
               in the Scriptures that removing the beard is the will of God.
                     Is it not possible, that the same Jezebel spirit that seeks to elevate women, and to
               emasculate men, is the driving force behind this trend? Consider how much more distinct
               men and women would be in appearance today if men did not daily remove the beards God
               causes to grow on their faces. Is not something altered in the psyche of men and women
               when men go about smooth faced, and they do so deliberately by daily removing the beard
               by shaving? Many hidden spiritual truths are revealed through outward testimonies in this
                     Over the years, the most common reason I have heard men give for not wearing a
               beard is that their wife does not like them to have a beard. Sisters in Christ, if this is your
               influence toward your husband, let me suggest to you that there is a lot more behind your
               attitude than the fact that you find beards to be scratchy, or think your husband to be
               unattractive in one. There is a spirit in this world that ever seeks to confuse the genders, and
               to diminish the authority of the man. There is a spirit that pressures men and women to
               conform to the ways of Satan’s kingdom, rather than the kingdom of God.
                     As a son of God, I want to conform to that image He has chosen for me. If all the world
               is doing one thing, but God is directing me to do something different, then I will appear like
               the alien and stranger that I truly am. I encourage my sisters in the Lord to seek out the
               mind of Christ to know what His will is for them regarding their dress and appearance. Is
               it not reasonable to conclude that the woman who is led by the Spirit of God will in many
               ways think, act, and LOOK differently from the women of this world? It is a privilege given
               to the body of Christ to be able to model before the world that which is pleasing to God.
                     Following are two passages from the New Testament in which Christ makes known
               His will regarding the dress and appearance of women in the church.

                       I Peter 3:3-5
                       Your adornment must not be external - braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry,
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