Page 22 - No Apologies
P. 22

and a short beard. This is actually a reversal from the truth. Paul was speaking just a short
               time after Yahshua’s earthly ministry. Writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul
               declares that it is a dishonorable thing for a man to have long hair. The Scriptures also
               reveal that Christ had  a substantial beard, for at His arrest the Roman soldiers were pulling
               it out by the handfuls.

                       Isaiah 50:6
                       I gave My back to those who strike Me, and My cheeks to those who pluck out the

                     One cannot easily pluck out a man’s beard unless it has some length to it. The trendy
               five o’clock shadow beards of today are not typical of those worn by the Jews in the time of
               Christ. I gave considerable thought to this matter, and eventually wrote an article titled The
               Significance of the Beard. Following is an excerpt:

                     The Hebrew word for beard is zaqan (zaw-kawn'). We are told in Strong’s Dictionary
               of Hebrew and Greek Words that zaqan comes from the related word zaqen (zaw-kane'),
               which is a primitive root meaning to be old. The correlation to this second word for age is
               so  clear  that  Strong’s  Dictionary  defines  the  Hebrew  word  zaqan  as  “the  beard  (as
               indicating age).”
                     To the Hebrew mind the beard was a symbol of maturity. This was not a cultural
               viewpoint, rather it was an understanding of God’s design in placing a beard on mature
               males. A boy cannot grow a beard. A boy is one who is not mature. When a young male
               passes  through  the  time  in  his  life  defined  as  puberty  some  distinct  outward  signs
               accompany this advancement to maturity. The voice takes on a deeper timber, it becomes
               more commanding. Another obvious sign is the growth of body hair and, for a male who is
               modestly arrayed, the only part of this growth that is seen is that which is on the face.
                     Webster’s  1933  Dictionary  defines  puberty  in  this  way:  “the  age  of  maturity;
               manhood, adult; the time a plant comes into flower.” Is not the beard of a man a sign of
               the flowering of his manhood? Even as the flower is the beauty and adornment of many
               plants, so is the beard the beauty and adornment of a man as he crosses the line of puberty
               and comes into the age of maturity.
                     God gave the beard to man for beauty and glory. Older men whose beards had turned
               grey were to be accorded special honor because the grey beard was a sign of advanced
               maturity. We find this understanding in the following verse.

                       Leviticus 19:32
                       Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and
                       fear thy God: I am the LORD.

                     The phrases “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head” and “and honour the face of
               the old man” are parallel expressions denoting the same truth. The hoary, or grey head,
               directly corresponds to the phrase “the face of the old man.” The hoary head certainly could
               include the grey hair found on top of the head, but it most specifically refers to the grey hair
               of the face which is the beard...
                     To those who would say that the beard is just an external matter and it holds no real
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