Page 23 - No Apologies
P. 23

value, I would ask “Why do you want to throw away that which God has ordained to cover
               the face of man?” Yahshua had a beard and we know that He only did what He saw the
               Father doing. Christ did not wear a beard because it was a social standard of the time. The
               only standard Yahshua conformed to was the standard of His Father. He did not see the
               Father cutting off the beard, so he did not cut off the beard... Furthermore, Yahshua said
               that He came to fulfill the Law and the Law has these commands concerning the beard:

                       Leviticus 19:27
                       “You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges
                       of your beard.”

                       Leviticus 21:1, 5
                       Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to
                       them... 'They shall not make any baldness on their heads, nor shave off the sides of
                       their beards.’”

                     What is referred to in the preceding verses is the practice of Egypt where men wore
               a long goatee from the chin, but they shaved off the beard from the sides of the face. I
               concluded, that it was not Yahweh’s will that I wear a goatee. (I am a sheep, not a goatee.)

                     Nelson’s Bible Dictionary has this to say about the beard.

                       In biblical times most adult males of Israel wore full beards... The Law of Moses
                       required Israelite men not to "disfigure the edges" of their beards (Lev. 19:27), a
                       common practice of Israel's pagan neighbors.
                       To shave or pull out part of the beard was a sign of grief (Jer. 48:37-38), and to cut
                       off someone's beard was to insult him (2 Sam. 10:4-5). Isaiah 7:20 pictures God's
                       judgment on Israel as a shaving of the nation's beard, an intentional disgrace.
                       (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary)

                     In  Isaiah God  symbolically  spoke  of  shaving  off  Israel’s  beard as  a  sign  of  their

                       Isaiah 7:20
                       In that day Yahweh will use a razor hired from beyond the River - the king of Assyria
                       - to shave your head and the hair of your legs, and to take off your beards also.

                     To have the beard shaved off was a sign of great disgrace. This is shown in the story
               of King David’s ambassadors who were disgraced by the Ammonites by having their robes
               cut in two at the waist and having half of their beards cut off. David was so enraged that he
               declared war on the Ammonites and destroyed them. So deep was the shame of David’s
               ambassadors that David told them to not return to Jerusalem until their beards were grown
               back, but to stay in Jericho.

                       II Samuel 10:5
                       When  they  told  it  to  David,  he  sent  to  meet  them,  for  the  men  were  greatly
                       humiliated. And the king said, "Stay at Jericho until your beards grow, and then
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