Page 38 - Living Epistles
P. 38

So when they were fasting and praying, the Lord divided those forty families
               into four groups. He named the heads of the families. He said, "My son, you
               and you and you." The Lord, by the Holy Spirit, named the heads of the
               families that He divided into groups. "You will be leaving on such and such
               day at midnight. I'll lead you out into another country."

               And so, the Lord, in His divine providence, took them across the border into
               China. It was only a miracle of God. Only He could lead them across, because
               they  had  never  traveled  that  far  in  their  lifetime.  They  never  had  guides
               because they could not reveal their intent. At that time there was already much
               surveillance in the villages, so they were being watched.

               They said, "Lord, we have the government here too in this village where we
               live; in this city. They're watching us. How can we move, Lord?" And Lord
               said, "My children, don't worry. I'll lead you out." The Lord told them to leave
               at midnight.

               They were praying from evening right to midnight. When midnight came, they
               were in prayer seeking the Lord saying, "If you told us, help us, and lead us
               out." My mother related this to me. For that particular group, at midnight, the
               Lord raised a great storm. It was such a great storm. There was a very big wind
               with a big commotion and noise. Even the dogs on the streets didn't bark.
               Everybody went into hiding. It was a big storm.

               Then the Lord said, "My children, it's time to move out." They left in the
               darkness of the night; at midnight. There was no KGB watching the streets or
               walking in surveillance. There was nobody on the streets. The streets were

               They  left  from  the outskirts  of  that  town,  and  they  went  quietly  into  the
               darkness. The Lord was leading them through the night. Because it was very
               close to the border, they soon came to the border. The Lord led them through
               by the wild paths in the bush.

               The Lord was telling them to turn right, turn left, but they didn't know where
               to go, except that the Lord supernaturally led them. Turning them left and
               turning them right, group by group, they all went into China.

               Yes! But also in spite of God working; in spite of God's miracles; in spite of the
               Presence of the Lord, there was always an element of man's flesh entering in,
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