Page 37 - Living Epistles
P. 37

Later on, about a year and half (two years) 1933 came with a big crush on
               Russia. It was the year of the taking away of old properties, confiscating all
               belongings,  houses,  land,  horse-carts,  horses.  Everything  went  to  the
               government. The food was taken away from the farmers in order to force them
               onto  the  collective  farms,  in  order  to  bring  them  into  the  collective
               government farms. Those who did not want to go, died by way of starvation.
               Their families did as well. The husbands were taken to Siberia as enemies of
               the people. So in 1933, 6 million Ukrainians alone died by artificial starvation.
               Among them were quite a few Christians.

               The Word of the Lord was fulfilled and came to pass right to the dot. All those
               Christian brethren who returned in 1933 were taken to Siberia like God said.
               Their  children  were  taken  away  from  them  and  went  to  the  government

               When the starvation was happening, some relatives who came to China later
               on, told them that some of the mothers, being believers, ate the flesh of their
               babies in the Ukraine because of their disobedience.

               So they may say, "How can a God of grace be such a cruel God?" It has nothing
               to do with cruelty of God. It was sheer disobedience. Just read about the
               Israelites in Bible. Now, were they not commanded to obey the Lord? Were
               they  not  commanded  to  follow  the  Lord's  commandments  and  be  a  holy
               nation;  an  obedient  nation?  But  the  Lord  said,  "If  you  will  not,  then  my
               blessing will be taken away from you". Don't we read in the Bible that the
               Israelite mothers, the people of the God, the holy nation, the separate people
               which God elected unto Himself, ate their children? Yes! They ate them. That
               was nothing to do with God intending or wanting them to eat their Babies. No!
               It was the spirit of unbelief. It was the work of the enemy which troubled the
               people of God. They were not watching and praying enough to stand in the
               faith and obediently trust in the Lord.

               All  that  came  to  pass.  There  was  great  trouble  and  many  thousands  and
               thousands of brethren went to Siberia. There was great, great trouble from
               1933 on in Russia.

               In the meantime, a couple of months after the other group went back to
               Russia, the little group that was left by the border heard the voice of the Lord
               say, "My children, get ready to move into another country."
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